Don't Hold Back

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Charlotte's POV

Sam had an empty stare. They asked her to move and she wouldn't. She barely reacted to any of us. It's been hours since she last spoke or moved. Song couldn't stop crying. I guess he felt the same as I did, lost without P'Fa. The girls tried to talk me into going home and sleeping, but I wouldn't budge. Sam was like a sister to me and I won't leave her alone. P'Fa would kill me if I did. "At least let us take care of Song for a little bit and rest up on the couch besides Sam. We'll just take him on the stroller, get him some food and hopefully he falls asleep for a little bit." Tee offered. I nodded. I placed Song on his stroller and kissed his forehead. "Take care of him." Tee nodded and left with Kate and Song.

Jim was like me, she didn't want to leave Sam alone. "When do you think she'll get back to normal? I can't see her like this. She's my best friend." I sighed and looked at Sam. "I don't know, but we need to figure this out. Someone has my wife and Mon and they might be hurting them." Jim sat on the other side of Sam's bed. "I just don't know who would do this. I thought it was Nita Jensen, but she can't be in two places at once so somebody must be helping her, but who??" I know P'Fa mentioned that the stalker could be Nita as soon as she saw the news article a few days ago, but I was second guessing that. "Ok, what if it's not Nita, who else could want to hurt Sam?" Jim scoffed.

"It could be anyone at this point. The royals have many enemies. They got Song killed before to try to take away power from Sam's family. I still can't believe Sam is like this." I'm barely keeping it together so if Sam needs a mental break I get it. Lady Grandmother came into the room. "Where's my great grandson?" I looked at her. "He's with Tee and Kate getting some food. What did the doctor say?" Lady Grandmother held onto the corner of Sam's bed. "She's in shock over what happened. The neurologist ordered a head CT and an MRI on her brain and saw a mass there. They have to do a biopsy to see if the mass is a tumor. But they don't think those two things are related."

"Sam had an appointment for next week. From what she told the doctor, she's been experiencing headaches more frequently, she has had a couple of episodes of vertigo and she's been having problems with everyday tasks. Did she tell this to any of you?" Jim and I shook our heads. "She probably talked to Mon about it." Jim sniffed as she wiped the tears from her face. I grabbed Sam's hand. "Sam, we need you to be strong ok? Mon needs you. Your sister needs you. I want a break from all of this too and I want my love back in my arms just like you, but we have to be strong for them. We have to find them so we can all be happy once more."

"How long have they been together? My granddaughters are all gay apparently." Jim looked shocked. "Oh you thought I didn't know about Song? Of course I did. No one smiles at their phone so much. But at least she had the decency to hide it and keep her focus on the company which was the priority." I scoffed. "And look at what that got her. Where's Song now?! She got killed because of that damn company, the need for power and I can imagine a whole lot more that she didn't have any blame for. You want to know how long Mon and Sam were together? Long enough to know that they belong together. Why don't you do something productive and help us find P'Fa and Mon huh?!"

"You think I don't have everyone already looking?? I won't let Engfa get taken away from me again and if I have to rescue Mon so Sam can be ok I will, so just stop taking out your anger at me. I'm doing the best that I can." I stood up. "You know that P'Fa needed you. She was barely 18 and you kicked her out of your house for what? Your pride?? When did your image become more important than the girls you were taking care of? Only a monster would think about herself before their grandkids. Don't even think about getting close to Song. My son will have nothing to do with royalty. If you need an heir, make it yourself, but you're not messing up my kid. He will grow loved and cared for by his real family and no amount of money can pay for that."

Lady Grandmother didn't say another word. I've been waiting for years to speak my mind and I wasn't going to hold back. Kate and Tee came back with Song who was fully asleep in his stroller. "He ate some mashed potatoes and chicken downstairs." I rubbed his belly gently. "Has he been sleeping long?" Tee checked her watch. "Just a few minutes." I need to go home, shower and eat as well. "I'm going home for a couple of hours. Please call me if anything changes for Sam. I'll keep investigating where Nita might have taken P'Fa and Mon."

"Nita Jensen?" Lady Grandmother asked. "Yeah, we think she's the one who took them with some help of course." She dialed a number and left the room. "Whatever. I'll see you girls later. Jim get some rest ok? Let Tee or Kate watch over her. Your husband must miss you." She nodded and I left the room as well. I saw Lady Grandmother on the phone and got a little closer so I could hear. "Where the hell is my granddaughter?! I can't believe you did this, Nita. When we last spoke I told you I would help you get your company back. Why would you kidnap my granddaughter??" I could hear Nita's voice faintly coming from the phone. "I found someone much better to help me with my plans. Your granddaughter wasn't a part of things, but I think she will be of good use to me. I don't care about that stupid company anymore. The person who's helping us offered me so much more than you can, so goodbye Lady Grandmother."

I had my suspicions about Lady Grandmother helping out Nita, but now who the hell could be helping Nita with all of this?

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