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I called Charlotte when I got in my car. I was still in shock over what happened.

Char: "Hey baby! I'm glad the meeting ended early. I was thinking we could take Song to the waterpark. What do you think?" I didn't even process what she was saying. "Baby? Hey P'Fa. Can you hear me??"

P'Fa: "I saw Sam..." My voice was barely a whisper.

Char: "Can you speak up babe? I don't know if it's the phone or what, but I can barely hear you."

P'Fa: "I saw Sam." I said it a little louder and now it was Char's turn to become quiet.

After a few seconds she spoke up again.

Char: "Are you ok?" I shook my head no even if she couldn't see it. "Come home. Let's talk ok? Be careful on the way here. Just focus on driving for now."

P'Fa: "Can you stay on the phone just in case?"

Char: "Of course babe. Let me just find my charger. The phone is at 3%." Char didn't like charging her phone until the last second. She said her battery life lasted longer because of it.

The ride home took around 10 minutes, traffic was low at this time. I got out of the car and was immediately received with a tight hug from both my wife and my son. I didn't know how much I needed that until I started crying into their embrace.

Char led me into the house, placed Song in his crib and came back to hug me. She had placed a glass of water in front of me for when I needed it. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but I needed to let out all of the unshed tears that I had stored over the years. Char tried her best to console me without asking any questions.

When I finally calmed down, I took a sip of water, breathed in and out and held Char's hand.

Char: "Was it that bad?"

P'Fa: "I actually expected everything that she said and she's right. What I didn't expect was her coldness. You know how long it's been since I've seen her. I'm not going to lie, a part of me just wanted to run into her arms and hug her so tightly until she couldn't breathe, but I had to restrain myself because everything she had been holding back she needed a chance to let it out and I hope she did."

Char: "How did this even happen? Did she visit your office?"

P'Fa: "My clever little sister arranged the meeting. She just asked Kirk to do it on her behalf so I wouldn't know it would be with her."

Char: "How did she look?"

P'Fa: "Under all of that coldness, I know my sweet little sister is still there. She's gorgeous, Char. She's grown up so much, so sure of herself. Being a leader suits her. It's like she was made for the job even though it was forced on her." Char rubbed my back.

Char: "Are you going to see each other again soon?"

P'Fa: "I have to give her some time first. I know she needs to get used to the idea that I'm back, that I have you and Song, that I'm working for her at Diversity. She basically asked me to leave the company. She said I abandoned her twice."

Char: "What? Baby, you know that's not true."

P'Fa: "Maybe not the first time. But when we came here for Song's funeral there was nothing stopping me from going up to her and taking her away from grandmother's influence."

Char: "How is the old bat anyways?" I chuckled.

P'Fa: "Alive and well. Still outdated from what Sam said. She's forcing Sam to get married."

Char: "What?! Does she know what decade we are living in?!"

P'Fa: "I know, but remember Sam was the easiest to be persuaded by grandmother. I can imagine that after Song died Sam made it her mission to please grandmother in any way possible since I was no longer there."

Char: "You two need to sit down and talk like adults."

P'Fa: "We will, but not now. I don't want to keep rubbing salt on the wound." I sighed. "How about we go to the waterpark like you said."

Char: "Are you sure you're up for it?"

P'Fa: "Yeah, I need my family right now."

Char changed herself and Song into swimwear as did I. The waterpark was a couple of blocks away so we placed Song into his stroller and walked all the way there. We went into the kiddie pools and watched Song splash water and play with a rubber ducky that I don't even know how he found. He semi-built a castle in the sandbox, it was basically a mountain of sand with a twig on top, but it was still cute.

At the food market I got us a couple of burgers, sodas and apple juice for Song. While we ate I heard a little girl crying beside one of the water slides. I put my food down, cleaned my hands quickly with a napkin and jogged over to her.

P'Fa: "Hey, sweetheart. Are you okay? Where are your parents?"

Girl: "I don't know. I'm lost." She kept crying so I picked her up and rubbed her back calming her down a bit."

P'Fa: "Let's walk around and see if we can find your parents ok?" The little girl nodded. I wiped away her tears and started looking around. After walking for a couple minutes a lady came running towards me and grabbed the girl hugging her tightly.

Lady: "Thank you so much. We've been looking everywhere for you darling. Are you okay?" The little girl held onto her mom tighter, she almost had her in a choke hold. "Thank you again. That's what happens when you let dad watch over the kid and he falls asleep."

P'Fa: "It's no problem. I'm just glad she's safe and back with her parents." The lady nodded and walked over to a man who looked down apologetically. She smacked his arm and he rubbed where she had hit him. I hear him say sorry, but the lady scoffed and played with the little girl. I laughed at the scene and headed back to my family.

That little moment made me realize that Sam barely had that when she was a kid. Grandmother cared for us, but she wasn't exactly loving and devoted. It was her way or the highway. I sat down next to Char and Song and kissed his forehead. I will never let something like that happen to you kid. I'll make sure that even if we aren't there, your auntie Sam is.

Char: "Everything ok babe?"

P'Fa: "Yeah, everything is fine. I thought about what you told me and I'm not letting any more time pass by. Even if she hates me right now I will do everything I can to get my sister back." Char hugged me from behind. "She deserves to be with her whole family." 

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