Get to know me

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I could hear the girls walking behind me, but I went straight to the kitchen. I told the manager that I would be there, put on some gloves to work with the food and started making sushi. Cooking relaxed me even though I looked tense all of the time. I kept thinking about everything that Mon said. I'm her idol? She really needs to make better choices. How am I a role model? I can barely do things that aren't work related.

Every once in a while I glanced at the table and Mon's eyes met mine. I like her. I can't deny that anymore. I remembered seeing her as a kid, she was so cute. I remembered Singha and my parents. I remembered having two sisters to protect me from grandmother.

I didn't even realize I was scaring the cook beside me with my actions until Jim approached the kitchen.

Jim: "Hey stupid!" I got startled while I was holding knife, the cook beside me jumped as well. "Are you trying to kill somebody? Go back to the table. If you keep working near the chef, he will quit."

Sam: "Am I making you uncomfortable?" The chef didn't say anything, but I could see the trickles of sweat running down the side of his face. I left everything on the table. "Sorry."

Jim: "Can't you tell just by looking at him?" While I was walking back to the table I heard Jim talking to the chef. "I am so sorry, I know how you feel. You can relax now."

I sat at the table and started eating my food. I didn't dare to look at Mon, but I could feel everyone else staring at me. Is this awkward? A kid having a meal with her bullies and her idol? This must be so awkward for everyone, and I don't do well in awkward situations. I barely do well in normal situations. Someone say something please.

Kate: "Hey, fuzzy, do you think Mon is cute?" I looked at Mon's face for a second, she's adorable.

Sam: "Not really, no." For some reason, this made Mon smile.

Tee: "Hey, Sam, do you like the girl?" I took another look at Mon, I'm crazy about her.

Sam: "No, I don't." Mon smiled wider. What the hell is happening and why are they asking these weird questions? They all looked at me with a smile on their faces. "What are you looking at?"

Jim: "Nothing, just making sure you are enjoying the food." I gave Mon a piece of salmon which I know she likes, everyone awed at that action so instinctively I put my glasses on to cover the blush that was creeping upon my cheeks.

We finished the rest of the meal without any awkward questions. I got an update on my friends' lives and learned a couple of things about Mon too. It was a good day. I'm glad they liked Mon, although in the end I saw her exchange phone numbers with Tee and I'm not particularly happy about that. I have to talk to Tee later. Tee is kind of a player and even if I don't date Mon, I don't want her to get hurt because of Ms. Player.

While Mon and I were walking back to the car, our hands brushed against each other, and I swear I felt a spark of electricity flow through me. Mon cleared her throat immediately after, I think I felt it too.

Mon: "Lady Sam, you like grey right?"

Sam: "Yes."

Mon: "That means I don't know anything about you at all."

Sam: "It's fine. You'll eventually learn what I like and dislike." Mon nodded. "You've grown quite a bit, that little kid that day has become a grown woman. You should have told me you were the daughter of Teacher Pohn."

Mon: "Here. My mum told me to show it to you." I grabbed her phone and scrolled through a few pictures of Singha. I missed him so much, I didn't even realize it.

Sam: "So cute. How is he?"

Mon: "Um...he passed away."

Sam: "Right, it's been over 10 years." I don't understand why I suddenly feel like a kid again now that I know who Mon is. I gave Mon her phone back.

Mon: "Yeah, I was so close with him. He reminded me of you."

Sam: "Do I look like a dog?" Mon giggled.

Mon: "I mean he represented you. It reminded me of when you smiled at me, I saw your kindness in him."

Sam: "Do you admire me that much?" I was stunned at how much thought of me.

Mon: "Yes. So much so that...if I were a man I would make a move." Mon looked like she wished she could take back what she said, but I heard it loud and clear. My face looked perfectly normal but inside I was screaming internally.

Sam: "Keep walking. If you look back, I will lower your salary." Mon walked slowly towards the car while I walked behind her smiling. She said that she would make a move if she was a man. AAAAAAAH!!!! Someone who wants to make a move means that they like the other person so in a way Mon just told me that she likes me. OMG I need to do something! We both need to understand how we really feel about each other. "Now you know I like grey, and I know you like pink. That's fair. We can get to know each other equally."

Mon smiled. That smile will be the death of me one day. I unlocked the car and opened the door for her. Mon got into the car. I waited until she had put on her seatbelt, then closed the door. I walked over to my side, turned on the car and drove Mon back home. I waited until she had entered her home completely before screaming my lungs out in the car.

Sam: "Mon likes me, she likes me, she has a crush on me. She wants to kiss me and be my lover." Casually all of the songs on the radio were about love. I am so happy. I will win your heart Mon, I promise. 

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