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I basically ignored Mon the rest of the day. When I went back to the room I saw that she was getting ready for dinner.
Mon: "Um Sam, can we talk? Please."
Sam: "Not now Mon. I have to get ready too. We can talk later." I went into the bathroom and took a long shower. I turned off the water and patted myself dry.
Mon: "Sam, they asked us to wear white clothes for tonight ok? I left you the outfit on the bed. I'm going downstairs to talk to Cher and Risa."
Sam: "Ok, thanks." I didn't enjoy being this indifferent towards her, but I couldn't find it in me to care enough about not hurting her feelings. I feel like that small conversation we had was so definitive to me. Maybe it was time for Mon and I to break up and move on with our lives.

I got dressed and headed downstairs. Yuki and Tee were already at the table eating.
Tee: "Hey, Sam. Where's Mon?" I shrugged.
Sam: "Maybe talking to Cher and Risa. Not sure."
Tee: "Are you two ok?"
Sam: "Let's just eat dinner in silence, please." Tee didn't say anything else. You could only hear the sounds of nature and every once in a while the cutlery against the plates.

I heard Mon yell behind me and I got scared.
Mon: "Ow! Someone help, please." I ran to her side. She was on the floor.
Yuki: "Mon! Are you okay?"
Sam: "Hey, hey. Are you okay?" I helped her stand. I cleaned off her dress. I checked her hands, but I couldn't see any scratches or bruises. "Does anything hurt?" She shook her head.
Mon: "No, it doesn't."
Sam: "Nothing? Then why did you cry for help?"
Mon: "To see if you still cared about me as much as I care about you." I was about to walk away when she held onto my arm. "Don't go, please. I need you to forgive me, Sam." I rolled my eyes. "Please, Teerak. I love you." She pecked my lips. Damn it! I missed her lips.

She kissed me again a little more deeply. A low moan escaped from my lips. I wrapped my arms around her and deepened the kiss. I don't know how long we stayed like that. Tee and Yuki interrupted us and I wanted to kill them.
Tee: "Hey, hey! Dessert is not eaten before dinner."
Yuki: "Babe, shush! Can't you see that they are making up?" Tee laughed.
Tee: "I know my love, but I love teasing Fuzzy."

I pressed our foreheads together and we kept our eyes closed.
Mon: "Can you forgive me now?" I nodded. We can finish talking later. Right now I want to enjoy her company and have dinner. I've barely eaten all day. We walked hand in hand back to the table where I patted the seat beside me so Mon could sit there. Cher and Risa brought Mon's plate. Tee decided to make a toast.
Tee: "To an unforgettable night." We exchanged pleasant conversation and laughs. It felt like everything had gone back to normal, but in the back of my mind I couldn't help but think about what Mon said.

Risa: "You all came on the perfect weekend. It's the lantern and lights festival today. We've already prepared the lanterns for you after we finish dinner."
Cher: "That's right. They say the flame is a symbol of knowledge and the light from the lanterns will guide us in the right direction." I could sure use some guidance right about now. We finished eating our food and walked towards a couple of tables with the lanterns siting on top.
Risa: "Ok since we're all couples, there's three lanterns. Each of you will grab an end of the lantern, we will light it up and you can make a wish before letting it go." We all nodded in agreement. I thought of making a selfish wish, asking for Mon to decide on marrying me, but I just wished that whatever she wanted would come true.

We let go of the lantern and hugged each other.
Sam: "What did you wish for, love?"
Mon: "I wished that what I'm about to do is the right thing for us."
Sam: "What do you mean?" Is she breaking up with me right now?! I'm trying not to panic.
Mon: "Close your eyes." I nodded and did as she said. I felt someone putting something on my head, a headband or something similar. Mon grabbed my hands and helped me move gently to the right. "You may open your eyes now."

It took a couple of seconds before my eyes adjusted to the light. I saw Mon was wearing a flower headband. I touched the one on my head. Ok so we have the same headband. I was confused about what this was until Mon opened her hand and I saw two hand made rings. My eyes teared up instantly. Is she doing what I think she's doing??
Mon: "Cher and Risa showed me that our love is possible. I hope that what I wish to do is right. I want to marry you, Sam. I want to be your wife, Mrs. Samanun Anuntrakul. I want you to know that I love you with everything that I have. I know I have to work on how I feel about myself, but I want you to know that I'm in this for the long run. I choose to be with you every day for the rest of my life. You and me against the world. Will you marry me?"

I couldn't contain my tears anymore.
Sam: "Do you know what I just wished for? I wished that whatever it is you want to do becomes a reality, my love."
Mon: "So that means..."
Sam: "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you." (U-haul🤭) Mon smiled widely. "Now give me my ring." She laughed and placed the ring on my finger. I did the same for her and we shared a gentle kiss. "I love you, Mon."
Mon: "I love you, my lady Sam." We hugged each other and the others joined in our hug as well. We all laughed.

Author: For those like me who need logical reasoning for everything: time works differently in Thailand🤭⏰

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