Top Part 1

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3rd person P.O.V

They arrived at Sam's house an hour later. Sam asked Mon to stay in the car for a few minutes. She grabbed Mon's bag and placed it upstairs. After double checking that everything was ready to go, she went back to the car. She opened the door and offered Mon her hand so she could get out of the car.
Mon: "Umm is everything okay baby?"
Sam: "Everything is just perfect. I need a favor from you babe." Mon looked at Sam curiously as she closed the car door and locked it.
Mon: "What are you up to, Sam?" Sam chuckled.
Sam: "Nothing, I swear. I just need you to close your eyes for me." They had walked into the living room and this time Sam didn't clap so the lights would turn on.
Mon: "Umm ok." She raised her eyebrow. "You're not going to kill me are you?" She giggled.
Sam: "That would be like killing myself, my love." She gave Mon a small kiss. "Now, come on. Close your eyes, please." Mon did as she was told. Sam slowly guided her towards the pool area. "No peaking." Mon used her other hand to avoid bumping into anything. "Ok, there's a small step down so be careful ok?" Sam stepped outside and watched as Mon placed one foot in front of the other. Sam moved her away from the door and closed it. "Ok, let's keep going."
Mon: "Babe, you know I've seen the pool before right?" Sam laughed.
Sam: "I know babe, but it's not that. Just a couple more steps ok?" Sam grabbed Mon's shoulders gently to help her stop before she bumped into the table in front of her.
Mon: "Can I open my eyes already?"
Sam: "No." She triple checked that everything looked perfect. She thought about giving a raise to her housekeeper. "Now you can open them."

Mon opened her eyes slowly as they adjusted to the light. She smiled as she saw a small table for two in front of her. It had wine, two plates of prawns which Mon was already so excited to eat and a couple of candlesticks to set the mood. Surrounding the pool, there were small candles and rose petals. She couldn't believe that Sam had the initiative to do this.
Mon: "Wow! Did you do all of this?" Sam shook her head.
Sam: "No, the housekeeper did." Mon nodded. Even if Sam didn't decorate herself, the gesture was still beautiful. "Come here." Sam grabbed Mon's hand and lead her to her seat. She moved the chair back so Mon would sit and pushed it closer to the table until Mon was comfortable.
Mon: "Thank you, my love." Sam grabbed the small box that she was hiding behind her back since she went upstairs to leave Mon's bag. She's been waiting for the perfect moment to give this to Mon and now seemed like the perfect time. She opened the box and placed it in front of Mon.
Sam: "Here, this is for you." Mon immediately recognized the bracelets that they had seen the first time they went shopping.
Mon: "Sam, are these..." Sam nodded. Sam had gone back to buy them without Mon noticing. She didn't care that they weren't the best quality in the market or that they were handmade. As long as Mon liked them, she was happy to wear them together.
Sam: "One is mine and one is yours." She saw the look in Mon's eyes. "You can't say no to this. It's a present."
Mon: "But why are you giving them to me now?" Sam looked at Mon lovingly.
Sam: "It's part of my apology. I know I hurt you baby and I am so sorry for what I did. I want to promise you that from this day forward I will never do something like that again. I want us to wear these bracelets so we can always have a piece of each other when we aren't together. Is that ok with you?" Sam looked shy after speaking and Mon thought she was so adorable.
Mon: "More than ok." She stood up and hugged Sam. "I forgive you, my love. I know you didn't mean to hurt me." They exchanged a few kisses. Sam put on Mon's bracelet and Mon did the same for her. It felt like ring exchanges for engaged couples, but neither one said anything about it. "Now, as much as I love you, I'm dying to eat some river prawns so can we eat now?" Sam chuckled.
Sam: "Of course my love. Go ahead." Mon sat down quickly and took a bite of her meal. Sam served some wine for them. "Happy now?" Mon nodded excitedly. "Can we do a toast? I already have the drinks served." Mon grabbed her glass and Sam did the same. "To us and the future ahead. I love you, Mon." They clinked the glasses.
Mon: "I love you too, Sam."

After a few minutes of enjoying their meal and some light conversation, Mon looked at Sam as if she wanted to devour her as well. Sam hadn't noticed because she was busy serving herself some more whiskey that she had brought out from the kitchen a couple of minutes ago.
Mon: "Baby, I have a surprise for you too." Sam swallowed the burning liquid and set her glass on the table.
Sam: "What is it babe?"
Mon: "Close your eyes." Sam did as she was told. Mon helped her out of the chair and guided Sam to the edge of the pool. "I think you might need to cool off first." She pushed Sam gently into the pool and laughed.
Sam: "Mon! Why did you do that?" She coughed as she choked on some water.
Mon: "Stay right there, baby." Sam stopped moving completely. "You said that you would do as I say whenever I asked right?" Sam nodded. "Well right now I need you to stay perfectly still." Mon turned on the heating in the pool and Sam visibly relaxed. Mon knew it would be freezing especially at this hour. Mon walked into the pool as she removed her dress. Sam's mouth fell open as she saw the black lace lingerie that she had bought Mon, but she refused to wear.

This is going to be a long night...👀

NOTE: She's here😏😳

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