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A soft knock on my door and Mon came in the room. I was focused on my work, but I knew what today was. I was supposed to fire her today. After Tee told me she wanted to work and date Mon I'm not sure if firing her is such a good idea anymore.

Mon: "Lady Sam."

Sam: "What do you need?" I kept myself distracted with work because I knew if I looked into her eyes I would ask her to stay and be mine.

Mon: "Thank you. You have always been my role model ever since I was a little kid. And you still are. The reason why I went to a good university and got a good job was because I have you as my inspiration." Where are you going with this, Mon? I kept my eyes on the computer screen. It felt like she was saying goodbye. "Thank you for having me here. Thank you for making this fan's dreams come true. I will treasure our memories forever."

Sam: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Mon: "Please let me continue. No matter what you will choose to do in the future and no matter what you will have to dealt with I'm sure you will always make the right decisions. And no matter what you plan to do in the future, I wish you nothing but success." I can't take this anymore.

Sam: "Mon."

Mon: "I'm not finished." I stopped working and looked into her eyes. "When you're happy..." She started crying. Why couldn't I move? I wanted to hug her so badly. I had to look away she was breaking my heart. " don't have to think of me. But please think of me when you're troubled. I won't go anywhere and I'll always be there to ease your mind and give you my support." I passed my fingers through my hair exasperated. "Goodbye, Lady Sam."

She turned around and started walking away. I grabbed her by the arm.

Sam: "Where are you going?"

Mon: "You told me to leave. So I'm leaving."

Sam: "Did I?"

Mon: "Yesterday, you said I couldn't reach the target, to pack my stuff and leave."

Sam: "That was yesterday. Today you don't have to go."

Mon: "What do you mean by that? Can you just say things straight forward for once?! You say so little. It's hard for me to understand you sometimes."

Sam: "Live in the present. I changed my mind today."

Mon: "So you're not firing me today?" I nodded. She didn't look pleased.

Sam: "You seem overly happy. Go back to work." I sat down on my desk once more.

Mon: "Do you think this is a joke? Am I a joke to you? You can't just say you're fired one day and then change your mind. What is wrong with you Lady Sam?! Do you think I'm a toy you can play with??"

Sam: "Mon..."

Mon: "No! Play your little games with someone else. I'm done. I quit. I sent my resignation letter to your email. Enjoy your life Lady Sam." She left my office mad as hell. I went after her. Everyone in the office was dumbstruck, I bet they could hear Mon yelling at me.

Sam: "Get back to work! Now!" I ran downstairs after Mon, grabbed her arm and pulled her to a corner so they wouldn't see us talking.

Mon: "Let me go."

Sam: "Mon, calm down. Let me explain."

Mon: "No! Who do you think I am, Lady Sam? You pressured me into quitting. Today you want me to stay because you changed your mind. So tell me what made you change your mind? What do you want from me?!" I couldn't say I was jealous. I couldn't even speak, I've never seen Mon this upset with me. "Cat got your tongue? Why are you not answering? Why did you change your mind?" No words would come out at all. Ugh! "Typical. That's fine. I'm done with you, I'm done with Diversity and I'm definitely done with your games."

Sam: "I-I'm not letting you quit."

Mon: "But I already did. I came to work here to be close to you, but you act like you hate me. I don't even know why. I just know I deserve better." She moved away and I grabbed her by the shoulders.

Sam: "I'm not letting you quit. Do you understand me?"

Mon: "You can't stop me. I quit already."

Sam: "Do you hate me? Is that it?"

Mon: "It's you who hates me. You're the one with all the confusing emotions."

Sam: "I don't hate you Mon, I could never."

Mon: "If you don't hate me, then what? Why do you treat me this way? You basically sent me away when I went to your house. I ran out of the wedding you never called me, never even looked for me. Do you know how much that hurt?! Everything you do shows me that you don't care, it shows me you hate me."

Sam: "I don't hate you."

Mon: "If it's not hate, what would you call it?"

Sam: "I like you! There, I said it. I like you so much Mon." She hesitated for a moment.

Mon: "You always say the opposite of what you truly feel." Damn it!

Sam: "Mon, I like you. or I hate you so you can understand me better." Mon started crying again. "Mon, what more do you want from me? I like you! or I hate you! Whatever you need me to say to make you understand that I'm crazy about you Mon."

Mon: "I have to go."

Sam: "Mon..." I couldn't say anything else because some of my employees were walking into the building.

I let her walk away... I let Mon walk away from me and it feels like a break up when we hadn't even started. Why can't I just express myself like everyone else?! Mon is so confused about what I feel because of how I am. And I don't know if I'll get another chance to tell her.

I went back to the office with my heart broken. I didn't care that everyone was watching me. I headed straight into my office and cried. Mon, please come back to me. I love you..

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