Nita Jensen

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Great...that's just great Sam. For being such a horny kid, you sent Mon right into the arms of Nita Jensen. Nita's company is my main competition in the media market. Mon knows this because of the whole mole situation so why would she meet with her?!

I asked the waitress to come over and checked if I could sit at the table closest to them. After scurrying over to the other table, I finally was able to listen in to what they were.

Nita: "Oh you are a true wonder, Ms. Kornkamon."

Mon: "Please you can call me, Mon.

Nita: "I would much prefer to call you Kornkamon if that's okay with you."

Mon: "Umm sure, but why?"

Nita: "Do you even know the meaning of your name?"

Mon: "I think Mom mentioned it once, but I didn't listen."

Nita: "Kornkamon is the name of someone who is optimistic, astonishing, magnetic. So your name is rather fitting don't you think?" Mon giggled and I could just tell by the pink on her cheeks that she was blushing.

Mon: "I-I guess." Nita is flirting with Mon... I'm screwed. "How do you know that?"

Nita: "Well as soon as I met you I instantly wanted to know more about you. Plus I enjoy having knowledge of all things if possible." I mocked Nita's voice. I'm Nita and I like flirting with taken women, bla bla bla.

Mon: "Well, I should get going I have to meet up with Lady Sam to let her know of our new accomplishment."

Nita: "You were a worthy adversary Kornkamon and I do hope that we get to have these exchanges more often." Nita grabbed Mon's hand and kissed the back of it. Mon waved goodbye and Nita headed downstairs towards the exit.

Mon headed into the bathroom and I followed her. She hadn't noticed I was there until she looked in the mirror after she finished drying her hands and saw my reflection behind her.

Mon: "Damn it! Sam you scared me! W-what are you doing here?"

Sam: "Shouldn't I ask you that, Kornkamon?" I imitated Nita again and Mon gulped loudly.

Mon: "Wait Sam, it's not what you're thinking."

Sam: "Really?! Because it seems that MY girlfriend just finished having dinner with my competition and had the time of her life."

Mon: "Wait. Are you jealous?" She scoffed.

Sam: "Don't change the subject. What were you doing here with Nita Jensen, Kornkamon?!" I was really mad right now. I didn't want to play games.

Mon: "First of all, I need you to calm down. We are in a restaurant and I bet someone can hear your voice outside."

Sam: "I don't give a rat's ass if they can hear me, Mon. I want answers now!"

Mon: "I won't talk to you unless you calm down." She walked right past me.

We walked a couple of blocks away from the restaurant. Mon headed towards a park nearby that was covered with strings of light and gentle music playing. I had tried my best to calm down. I breathed in and out and released the grip I had on my phone. If I had super strength, I would have crushed it by now.

Mon sat down on a bench and patted the space next to her. I complied and sat down looking straight at her waiting for her to talk.

Mon: "Are you ready to listen?" I nodded because I knew if I spoke I would yell again. "Ok, there's this new branch in our company called Diverse Beauty. I bet you've seen some of the posts, it's getting a lot of attention."

Sam: "Mhm." What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Mon: "A few days ago I arranged a meeting with the winner of Miss Congeniality, Charlotte Austin Waraha. That's the person I met today at the restaurant. Her wife is the one handling the account, but she was unable to meet with me today so she sent her wife instead." Why does that name sound familiar? "I heard that Nita Jensen was interested in getting her hands on Charlotte since she's been helping her wife with the posts and helping us get more sponsors so I decided to step in. Nita found out about our meeting and joined us for dinner, but that's it."

Sam: "Wait, Mon. You don't even work at Diversity anymore. Anyone else could have done this. Why you?"

Mon: "Yha couldn't find a replacement so I told her I would go as a last favor to the company plus I have the most knowledge regarding the subject. The meeting was basically a back and forth between me and Nita trying to convince Charlotte to get her wife to stay at Diversity and not switch over to Nita's company. Nita was offering more money, complete executive control and I don't even remember what else she mentioned, but Charlotte decided to stay with Diversity. She said her wife had a special interest in the company and she wouldn't accept any changes." Why does that name sound so familiar to me? I will check that out later.

Sam: "Ok, that's all good and dandy, but why did you and Nita end up staying alone together at the restaurant?" Mon sighed.

Mon: "Charlotte had to leave because her wife called. They have a baby and apparently it was being extra fuzzy so she left. Nita and I just stayed because we were almost done with dinner and the rest is what you probably saw." She saw me... I gulped. "Yeah, you really think your excuse of a disguise would have made me not recognize you? I think Nita didn't because she was too distracted flirting as if I would give her a single second of my day when I have the most beautiful woman already by my side." My heart melted. 'I smiled and hugged her tightly.

Sam: "I'm sorry. The idea of you being on a date with Nita just made me feel so insecure and upset. Plus I know you were mad at me for acting like a teenager last night. So I thought you were trying to find someone more mature for you..." I lowered my head.

Mon placed her hands on my cheeks and pulled my in for a kiss which I gladly retributed.

Mon: "You are perfect for me, Samanun. Even if we fight, even if we can't understand each other for a moment, I will always come back to you." I hugged her again even tighter and nuzzled her neck. Mon giggled at the sensation. "Can we go home now?" I gave her a quick kiss and held her hand as we walked towards the car. 

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