The Vow

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I found out about Song's death from Charlotte's parents. They came to visit us and seemed a bit sad and distant. At first, I thought it was because Charlotte and I decided on getting married and they weren't invited to the civil part of the wedding. Her parents had expressed various times that they were upset about that.

Engfa: "I'm so sorry. I know you might be upset that we didn't invite you, but we wanted that moment to be intimate, just between us."

Char's Mom: "That's not..."

Charlotte: "Mom, Dad, what's wrong?"

Char's Dad: "Engfa, we have to talk to you about something. Will you please sit down?" I sat down nervously.

Engfa: "Ok I'm starting to get worried." They exchanged looks and Char's mom nodded towards her husband. "What happened?"

Char's Dad: "I am so sorry to have to tell you this, but Song is gone." I stood up quickly.

Engfa: "Gone? What do you mean gone? Where did she go?"

Char's dad: "She died honey. There was a car accident..." I know he said something else afterwards, but I couldn't hear it. Charlotte was crying unconsolably.

Engfa: "My Song is dead?" Char's dad nodded. "No! You're lying! She's just a kid. How can she be gone? What happened?" Charlotte ran to hug me, but I didn't hug her back. "What happened?!"

Char's dad: "From what I heard there was a car crash while she was leaving the office. They crashed into her car, and she died at the hospital from her wounds."

Engfa: "No. No, this is not happening. Nope. It's a joke. It's a really mean prank." I left the living room to find my phone. This was not real. I dialed the phone number for grandmother's house. "Hi, could I speak with Lady Song please?"

Servant: "I am so sorry. Lady Song died. Her funeral will be on Saturday if you wish to go." I hung up the call. I screamed in agony as I fell to the floor. She's gone. When I left, I always thought I would get a chance to talk to them both. The three sisters would get back together some day. Song died and I wasn't even there for her or Sam. Charlotte wrapped her arms around me.

Engfa: "I want to go to her funeral. I need to see my sister one last time." Char's parents had already bought the plane tickets. They knew I would need to do this.

The funeral was packed with people Song didn't even know. Royals, paparazzi, grandmother's friends. This was not a spectacle, this was a private moment with friends and family, not a social event. I saw grandmother and moved my face away from her direction. No matter how much I was hurt by what happened to Song, I was not going to talk to her. I also saw Sam. She looked so grown up and not in a good way. The little kid that I had left behind was gone. I could see now just a puppet for grandmother to control.

After everyone left, I got the chance to get near Song's casket. She looked as beautiful as the last time I saw her.

Engfa: "Hey sis. Did you miss me? I sure missed you. I can't believe you're gone. I took care of you since you were born. I watched you grow into a beautiful woman, confident, strong, decisive. You always knew what to do or say when I needed it. When it was just you and I with our parents, everything felt incomplete. Then Sam was born, and everything made sense. Our family was all that made me happy. Now I have a family of my own you know. I married the girl I talked to you about. Her parents love me, and I plan to have a family with her. I vow to name my kid Song in your honor. Please know that every time that I look at that baby's face, I will have a permanent reminder of my little sister. I love you so much Song. Please take care of mom and dad for me. I'll take care of Sam."

The day Song was born was the second happiest day of my life. The first was when I married his mom. While Charlotte slept after hours of hard labor, I rocked the baby to sleep. He was perfect in every single way. I never thought I could love someone so much other than his mom.

Engfa: "Song. You're named after my sister. She meant everything to me as you already do. I will protect you with my life, Song. Nothing will ever happen to you. I promise to always be there for you even if we don't agree on everything. You're my son and nothing will ever change that." I kissed his forehead sealing my promise. 

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