Chapter 36:First Date Going Awry! Part 2

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"Kylie. What is that beautiful mind thinking about?" Finn touches her hand. Kylie looks up at Finn. "About Lexie. I haven't told her about me being a Mermaid. And haven't really told her about you yet." Kylie sighs looking down at her lap. "Or about Matt." She grunts annoyed

She looks at him again, hearing him scoff. She ignores his reaction and smiles at him. "Well, she knows about you. But she doesn't know about our current situation and also doesn't know about our increased emotions bringing us to one another." Kylie sighs saddened by leaving her friend out of the loop. Finn looks at her and smiles. "Some things are difficult to explain over the phone. And other things..." Finn nods toward his feet. "Are almost impossible for people to believe without seeing it." He explains to Kylie, hoping to ease her mind. "And it's in her best interest to not know about Matt."

    Kylie nods laughing at his remark toward Matt. "I guess that's true about Matt. But I'm not used to hiding things from her. The last time I spoke to her, she knew something was wrong. But I didn't know what to tell her." Kylie sighs looking down at the floor of the car. 

"Maybe one day she can come and visit or you can visit her so you guys can catch up." Finn says to Kylie. Kylie looks up and smiles at him. "Yeah. I hope so. She's usually so busy with Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Dance, Drama, or Twirling for the Band. Finn looks at Kylie and reaches for her hand. He takes it in his hand and smiles at her. "Wow. That's a lot of activities. She sounds really into artistic athletics and clubs." Kylie's eyebrows crease together. "I never thought to call them artistic athletics." Kylie chuckles. "It sounds weird, but it makes sense." 

Finn nods. "It does. I've always thought they were artistic. But also athletic, so I just combined the two. Some sports are considered Entertainment Sports, so why not have Artistic Sports." Finn says. Kylie scoots back in her seat closer to the door and points at him and says. "Exactly!" Finn smiles at her. "I'm glad I have cheered you up." Kylie smiles back at him. "You have." She shyly shifts in her seat and slowly moves closer to him, closer than she means to. She bites her lip nervously.

    Finn loses his smile as he notices her full lips and how close she is to him. He suddenly feels his face heat up with excitement. He stares at her with desire and admiration. Kylie stops biting her lip and she sighs as she moves even closer to him. Finn doesn't realize Kylie is so close to him until her hand is grabbing his. He looks down at their hands intertwined and looks up at her and smiles. He slowly leans into Kylie, giving her time to back away if she wants to. But she leans into him also.

    Kylie smiles at Finn. "Can you just kiss me already?" Kylie says breathlessly. Kylie bites her lip and looks down at their hands. Her eyelashes fluttering, Finn smiles and nods. Not saying a word, he leans into her and gently takes her neck in his hand, and kisses her lightly. Kylie sighs. He deepens the kiss as he moves closer to her.

    With one hand, Kylie grasps onto her skirt to keep her nerves and emotions in check. But the other hand, she lets go of Finn's other hand and she pulls on his shirt, pulling him closer to her. That causes Finn to moan quietly. Just by the sound of Finn, she wants so badly to go somewhere more comfortable and kiss him like this. But she knows that wouldn't be a good idea. 

Finn's hand slowly trails from her neck down to the middle of her back. Kylie arches her back in shock and slightly pulls back. Then she eases into his touch. She sighs and bites his lip. Finn's eyes open for a second and his breathing quickens. 

Kylie releases her hand from her skirt and wraps her hands around his neck and Finn takes that as a cue to wrap his other arm around her back. Kylie buries her hands into Finn's hair and she releases a moan that's been building up inside of her. Finn holds her tightly and kisses her as if they were the only two people in the world.

 But he notices Kylie's breathing quickens and he hesitantly pulls away from her very slowly. With Kylie's lips still on his; he lowers Kylie's hands with his hand. She slowly leans back and looks at Finn. "I think we should stop. I shouldn't have given in to my urges. I'm sorry Kylie." He says breathlessly.

    Kylie tries to get her breathing under control before she talks. She takes a deep breath and exhales. "It's okay." She says sighing. Finn looks at her face and takes her hand. "Was I misreading things?" He asks genuinely concerned. 

Kylie smiles at him and takes her other hand and squeezes his hands with hers. "No, you weren't Finn. You don't have to be sorry. I'm pretty sure I made the first move. You were a gentleman and stuck to your word." Kylie says, her voice shaking as she holds back her tears that are forcing themselves to surface. 

Finn takes her face in his hands and kisses her on her forehead. "I promised you I'd never pressure you for anything. I was waiting for you to give me hints that you were comfortable." He lets go of her face and looks at her and shakes his head. "Now I realize I should have told you upfront to possibly give me hints if you wanted to continue. But I didn't. I'm sorry." 

Kylie folds her hands in her lap and sighs. "Finn." She looks at him and smiles. "I told you it's not your fault. And I gave you hints and you were fine." She puts her hand on his. "You did nothing wrong." Finn senses that's not all she wanted to say by her slight shaking in her hand as he was holding it. "Are you sure you're okay? I feel your handshaking." Kylie inhales, then exhales. "I think I am. My anxiety was acting up when things got....." She trails off suddenly not knowing how to explain their current situation. It'd make her even more anxious and nervous. Finn tilts his head sympathetically. "I'm sorry about that. You could have stopped me if you wanted to. I would completely understand." 

Kylie sighs. She blinks, pushing back tears. "I know I could have. But I didn't want to. I wanted to kiss you. I enjoyed what was happening. That's why I placed my hands round your neck and tugged on your shirt." Kylie explains. Finn smirks mischievously. "Well I'm glad you wanted it and I'm glad you liked it because I liked it too." He smiles and kisses her on her cheek.

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