Chapter 1: Bon Voyage! Part 3

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 Originally Published: 2013-2014. Updated July 2017; November 2019; July 3, 2020; September 25, 2021; August 7, 2023; August 25, 2023. 

      When Kylie and Jacob get into Kylie's room, Jacob looks around trying to find somewhere to sit. "Is there at least a chair around here somewhere?" He asks Kylie. "Nope. Looks like they got everything." She looks around inspecting her empty room. It looks so much bigger when it's empty and the floors are freshly mopped. 

      She looks at the crack in the window. "I can't believe your Dad never got that fixed. I totally forgot."

      Jacob looks in her direction. He walks toward it. He runs his hand across the chipped window. "Ouch!" He pulls his hand off the window.

      Kylie runs up to him. "You shouldn't have done that you doofus." She takes his hand and inspects it. She wipes the small trickles of blood off his finger with her sleeve. "Are you okay?" She looks up at him.

      He smiles. And pulls her close to him with both his arms. Pressed closely together he sighs. "I am now. I meant what I said before we walked inside and before I gave you the promise ring." He steps back holding her hands. She looks down at the beautiful ring. Admiring the Mermaid sitting on the rock that's over her birthstone Garnet, she strokes the small Topaz jewels on the side. Jacob looks at her. "I thought you'd like that I put both out birthstones on it." He says. Kylie looks up, spinning the ring around, a habit she does when she's anxious. "I do. I love it." She says.

      Jacob looks at the broken window that is the reminder of that crazy night. He then looks at Kylie. "That night." He nods at the window and Kylie looks at it. And she looks back at him. She looks at him questioningly. He continues. "I really do promise that I'll never pressure you into doing anything you're not ready for like I did that night. That's why I gave you the ring. Well and because I love you so much!" He starts to tear up.

      "Sometimes I think you're more sensitive than me." Kylie jokes. It's true. He has gotten emotional a lot in their relationship, but she has too. 

      He laughs wiping his tears. "Ehhhh." He shrugs. She looks up at him her heart racing. Ready to tell him something she's never told him before. After the 'Halfway Night', she always told him she wasn't ready, and her hormones were on overdrive. "That night...I..I did want to go a little further. But not all the way. But I was nervous. Then my mom and dad walked in when you were trying to take off my skirt." Kylie spills out. 

      Jacob looks at her stunned. He opens his mouth, then closes it. He takes a deep breath and exhales. "Wow!" He exclaims shocked. "And then I threw my belt at the window and done that." He points at the window he previously cut his finger on. 

      Kylie looks at him confused. She expected more out of him. She expected him to say something about her keeping her feelings about that night a secret. He inhales and exhales again. "I can't believe you wanted to go through with it that night." He says shocked. "I mean you were totally all over me, but I just wasn't sure what you wanted considering your mom was said to have left the Halfway House that night and I just wasn't sure." Jacob says. 

      Kylie looks away embarrassed of her actions that night. She can't flirt and certainly doesn't throw herself at guys. That night she did both and it got her into a lot of trouble. That's why she admitted her sins, asked for forgiveness, and vowed to God to never let that happen again. 

      "Yeah. Well, we found out where she came from that night." Jacob chuckles. "Ha. Yeah." He says remembering how upset her parents were to see them in that situation. Especially, Kevin, he was furious, but also completely shocked that his daughter would get herself into a situation like that. Jacob grabs her and hugs her tightly. 

      Jacob squeezes her harder and buries his head in her blonde hair. He's happy that she's letting it out, but he wishes to himself that night would have happened. To this day he still regrets and apologizes for throwing his belt at the window. He knew he freaked her out. But he didn't know that he did this much. 

      He starts to say something, but she continues to ramble on. "I was also afraid you'd hurt me again like at your house or something would happen similar to what happened at Maddie's party. You really scared me, Jacob." She stops talking and starts sobbing. Jacob holds her for a few minutes. She calms down eventually and he strokes her hair. 

      "I'm in rehab and in counseling that's never going to happen again, Kylie. I promise." Kylie looks up at him. He wipes her tears away gently and smiles. Kylie smiles back. "I love you so much, and I know how hard it is for you." She inhales and exhales. "Sometimes it's hard for me too, but I still want to wait until we are married, Jacob." 

      Jacob smiles instantly when he hears her mention marriage. Jacob tucks the flyaway hairs that aren't in her braid behind her left ear. "So, when would you want to get married?" He asks her. Kylie's eyes open wide. She steps away from him. "Not anytime soon. Probably after college, or maybe during college if we have a really small wedding. I don't want to rush things." 

      Jacobs's expression changes quickly. His smile turns into a frown and Kylie notices his forehead is wrinkling, meaning he's upset. She starts to walk out of her room, but he grabs her arm. Kylie winces in pain. 

      Jacob notices her expression and doesn't realize how hard he's gripping her arm until he looks down and sees her arm reddening. He quickly lets go, his face expressionless. " I'm so sorry Kylie. I didn't realize I was holding you that tight." Kylie rubs her arm crying silently looking down at her maroon sequin high-top Converse. 

      Jacob steps closer to Kylie. But Kylie steps back. He nods and puts his hand up. "Okay. I won't come near you. I'm sorry." He says genuinely upset his voice wavering a bit. "These new meds are making me feel weird. I don't like them, Kylie. I wish I could stop taking them." 

      Kylie looks up at him as tears are running down her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. Have you told your doctor?" She asks him.

       "No. I haven't told anyone about them because I'm afraid they'd think I'm going crazy like my grandma. I don't want to go to a Sanitarium." Jacob starts to cry. Kylie immediately walks up to him and places her hand on his hand. "It's okay. You won't go anywhere." She wraps her arms around his torso and leans her head against his chest. "You're going to be okay. You can call me, write me, and Face-Chat, and email, and talk on Facebook whenever you feel bad. Depending on the time you message me, I may not respond because of the time difference. But I'll respond back ASAP." 

      Jacob starts to shake. Kylie squeezes him tightly. "Breath Jacob. It's okay. I'm here." "Kylie. I don't want you to leave." 

      She starts to cry. "I don't want to leave either." She heaves. "But I have nowhere to stay." She sobs louder and so does Jacob. Then he takes a deep breath and exhales. "And even if you did, you couldn't leave your dad and brother." He hugs her tightly wishing he didn't have to watch her go off onto a plane with her family in a few hours. 

      The Couture's have been like a second family to him. They've done so much for him and Kylie has been a rock solid girlfriend during all his problems. Her dad took him in for a few days while his parents were away. And he's going to miss her brother. He, Kylie, and Nicholas grew up together and Jacob taught Nicholas sports when Kevin was working. Jacob's going to miss all of them deeply. But mostly Kylie. His love. His heart. His best friend.

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