Chapter 42: Maria Garcia

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FIRST UPLOAD: December 9,2022  UPDATED UPLOAD: Monday July 10,2023

Sunday, March 25th,2018(2 months, 3 weeks,3 days.)

( 1 month, 2 weeks, 3 days after breakup with Jacob.)

(Kye and Finn dating = 2 weeks, 6 days) (Kaylee & Brian dating = 5 days)

"You look so beautiful." Finn looks down at Kylie. Kylie glances around outside nervously. Full of paranoia, she tugs at her Baby Blue Maxi dress sleeves. "Thank you Finn." Kylie says, looking at Finn's ironed gray dress shirt. "Is that new?" Kylie tilts her head curiously. Finn grabs her hand and pulls her chin toward him; forcing her to look into his eyes. Kylie sighs. "I'm sorry. My dad is talking to Pastor Daniels and should be walking by here soon." Kylie says looking at the Church door. "I don't want him to see us together." She sighs. Finn gives her a quick kiss on the head and lets go of her hands. "I know." Finn sighs. "I wish he didn't take it so badly." Kylie nods agreeing. "Me too. He forbid me from seeing you." Kylie rolls her eyes. Finn takes a step back. "Really?" Kylie nods. "Yes. Can you believe that? Even after I told him that you pledged yourself to God just like me." Kylie lets out an exhausted sigh.

Finn stares at her and his mouth twitches nervously. "I don't really blame him. I'm 20, Kylie." Finn shrugs. Kylie stares at him confused. "Your his little girl who is dating someone who should no longer be in High School." Finn shrugs. "I 100% understand his decision. I just can't believe you are still lying to your dad." Finn looks at Kylie concerned. 

Kylie sighs. "I hate lying to him. But I can't NOT see you Finn. I love you." Kylie says. Finn nods. "I love you too, but you shouldn't jeopardize your family relationships just for me. They are more important."

Finn grabs her hand. "I wish I still had my dad, mum and aunt." He looks at Kylie's stricken face. "I'm sorry to bum you out. But I wanted to be honest with you." Kylie nods, and blinks back her tears. "I understand and thank you." Kylie swallows hard. "Maybe you are right." She says and walks into the Church. Finn sighs and starts to walk in behind her; but he sees Mr.Couture walking toward the front doors of the Church.

Finn stands there, waiting for Kevin. When Kevin arrives to the steps, he looks at Finn and clears his throat. "Good Morning Mr.Chrisholm." Finn nods at Kevin and smiles. "Good Morning to you too Mr. Couture." "Kevin." A voice comes up behind Kevin and clamps him on his shoulder. Kevin and Finn turn to the man. "This young man is not a new member of our church; call him by his name." The short slim man nods toward Finn. "And Finn; Mr. Couture's daughter goes to school with you, so call him by his name. And you will be advising the new Show Choir Kylie is in, won't you?" The dark-skinned man looks at Finn. Finn nods. Pastor Daniels tells them both that he needs to go inside to set things up and walks inside.

Kevin glares at him. "So you are the new instructor for the Choir my daughter put back together?" Kevin stares at Finn. Finn nods. "I'm only the advisor. Meaning I just make sure nothing gets out of hand," Finn pauses. "since I'm the only adult in the Choir." He finishes nervously. Kevin sighs. "So you will also be performing in the Show Choir?" Finn notices the protectiveness in Kevin's tone. "I will sir. I've liked singing since I was a child. My mum sang to me when I was a child." Finn chocks on his words. "Before she died." Finn's voice cracks.

Kevin's expression changes. He blinks quickly. "Sorry for your loss. I bet that was difficult." Finn nods. "It was. I miss her every day." Finn holds back his tears. Kevin nods. "Sorry to have brought back those memories." Kevin apologizes. "Kevin and Nicholas lost their mother about 5 months ago." He says. 

Finn nods. "Losing a loved one is never easy. But the Lord will help us through it." Finn motions toward the Church doors. Kevin smiles and nods. "Indeed he will." Kevin walks toward the open doors and Finn follows behind him.

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