CHAPTER 44: International Mermaid Day! Part 2

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ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED: Monday, July 10, 2023

"That's enough!" Kylie yells. The woman looks behind Finn and smirks at Kylie. "Excuse me." The woman says annoyed as she puts a hand her hip. Kaylee stares at Kylie worried. "Oh crap." She mutters. Brian and Jakobe look at Kylie and gasp. "Uh oh." They say in unison when they notice Kylie's eyes flicker to Crimson red. Matt quickly reaches for Kylie's hand and sends her a wave of calm. Kylie blinks quickly. She shakes her head and shakes Matt's hand off.

Kylie walks toward the woman. "1st of all; he sure as hell won't be coming back to you." She says as she laughs. "And secondly." Kylie looks at her friends. "My friends absolutely don't like you. So that doesn't make you welcome here." Kylie crosses her arms and scowls at the woman. "So goodbye." Kylie waves her hand. Kaylee mimics her sister and so does Evie. "Yeah goodbye, you cradle robber." Evie chimes in.

Kaylee and Kylie chuckle. "We may not be old twits, but I think I know what you did to Finn." Kylie growls at the woman. "You better leave now or else one of us is going to call the police and turn you in, you perverted bi..." Finn immediately pulls Kylie back before she can lunge at Gretchen. "Calm down." Finn says. He looks at her eyes, seeing speckles of Crimson, and sighs. "She was about to leave. You should have let her go."

The woman steps closer, closing the space between Kylie and herself. "What did you just call me?" She scowls at Kylie. Finn looks at Kylie's intense stare, to Gretchen's crooked nose nearly touching Kylie's. "She didn't say anything. You can go now." The woman ignores Finn and continues to stare at Kylie. Kyli's chest starts to tighten and her hands start to tremble.

"I think she called you a bitch." Brian fills in the silence. Gretchen smirks at Kylie and takes a step back. "Yeah, but she's too much of a coward to admit it." She says. Kylie glares at her and sighs annoyed. Kylie takes a deep breath and exhales. "You are going to jail for taking advantage of a teenager, you bitch!" Kylie lunges toward her with a balled-up fist and decks her right on her nose.

Finn quickly pulls Kylie back before she can hit Gretchen again. "Kylie calm down." Finn says as he's trying to keep Kylie still, her body squirming in his arms, trying to go after Grethen again.

"You stupid child!" The woman complains, holding her nose. She looks at her hand. "You broke it." She winces at the blood on her hand as she walks away. "Serves you right for being a child mol..." Kylie yells toward the woman. Finn grabs her shoulder to stop her from talking. 

"What is wrong with you?" Kaylee looks at her sister shocked. "Yeah. You don't start fights or curse Kye." Evie says, agreeing with Kaylee. Kylie looks at the group and sighs defeated. "I really don't know why I did that."

 Matt and Lonnie shrug. "It's probably the Bond." Lonnie says. Matt nods at his sister. "She's right." He points at his sister. "The Mer-Folk Bond probably provoked those emotions like they have in the past and the Double Bond just heightens those even more." Matt explains.

Kylie notices Finn's face is pale. Before she can ask him anything, everyone warns her. "Kylie! Watch out!" They all scream worried. She turns around to see clear liquid flying on her and seconds later, her dress is soaked! "Behind the restrooms!" Finn tells her. Kylie runs past the group and past Gretchen, who is staring at the group smirking. Finn tells the group to follow Kylie, to make sure she is okay.

 Jakobe starts to walk toward the back of the Restrooms, where Kylie should be. But he hides behind a closed food booth to eavesdrop. 

Amongst The Water-Fresh WatersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora