CHAPTER 45: Break In! Part 2

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ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED: Tuesday, July 11,2023

——— "What happened?" Kylie mumbles. "Where am I?" Her voice cracks.

She looks at the floor and recognizes the faded brown carpet. "Ouch." She winces. Kylie slowly gets herself onto her knees——wobbling like Bambi, she looks at her bed and doesn't see her Journal. "My journal. It was..." Kylie points at her bed dazed.

She turns around and looks at her desk. Her laptop is still sitting there, she reads the time. She was only out for 10 or 15 minutes. But her phone is no where to be seen. She pats her dresses pocket and it's empty. "NO!" She shakes her head, suddenly realizing what's going on.

"Nicholas!" She screams at the top of her lungs. She runs to her door and looks back and forth to see if she catches a glimpse of anyone. "Nicky hide." She says frantically. Nicholas pops out from his room next door and makes her jump. "Stop yelling sis."

Kylie grabs him and pulls him into her room, closes the door and locks it behind them.

Nick looks at his sister worried. "What's wrong sis?" He asks scared. Kylie blinks worriedly. "I think someone is in the house." She whispers. "I believe they stole my phone and my Journal." Kylie's breathing picks up.

Nick looks around her room. "Uhh sis." His hand shakes as he is pointing at her laptop. Kylie takes her eyes off her brother and turns around to his gaze. "Sun of a sea biscuit!" Kylie exclaims.

Before Kylie was knocked unconscious; her laptop wasn't logged in yet. She was sending a text to Jacob; a text she doesn't even remembering finishing. But now her laptop is logged in and she's staring at a Website with a picture of Kylie and Finn.

Nicholas walks up to it and takes a step back. He looks at his sister. His eyes widen and his face turns white. "Sis. Is that true?" Kylie looks at it and shrugs. "Uhhh yeah. You know it is." She stares at him confused. Nicholas gasps. "What!? Does dad know? And how did he take the news?" Nicholas asks.

Kylie sighs. "Yes he does. That's why the Barbeque was awkward." Kylie says. Nicholas' face goes blank. Kylie stares at him for a moment.

She shakes her head. "Okay. Now I'm confused." She walks closer to her laptop. "What the freaking fu..." Kylie's face heats up with anger just seeing the picture of her and Finn photo-shopped in a bed, with barely anything on.

Kylie looks at her brother and her eye twitches. Nicholas' eyes stay locked on her. "What is this?" Kylie lets out. Not knowing how to cover up the fact that she almost cursed in front of her little brother.

Nicholas' gaze goes back to her laptop screen. "I think it's a Website that is focused on you and Finn." Nicholas sits down in her fluffy pink computer chair. Kylie sighs. "But why?" She asks. "Wait." Kylie pauses. "You really believe that I'm pregnant?" Kylie points to the photoshopped picture of her with a baby bump.

Nicholas snickers. "No, but you said dad knew. So....."

Kylie shakes her head. "It's not true Nicky." Kylie growls. "Whoever did this; must have something against me or Finn." 

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