Chapter 13: Truth! Part 2

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(First Uploaded: March 2014 Dates updated: January or February 2018; October 30 2019; Jan. 18, 2020)

                     The scene started out as Kylie being the girlfriend of Finn and Jakobe was trying to steal her away from Finn. They didn't come up with names. Kylie told Mr. Sanders and the audience before it started that it was due to the fact that the play wasn't in that stage yet and she only had a few scenes and no character names. But their rouse wasn't going well. Kylie could tell by Sanders' face. He wasn't buying it. She couldn't get to Jakobe. So, she finally took it into her hands. Kylie takes Jakobe's hands kisses them on each side. Jakobe is stunned at first. But by his face, Kylie is hoping he understands what she's doing because he starts to relax a bit. She keeps his hands and leans into him making it look intimate. But she's really whispering to him. "Pretend to kiss me when I say KISS. Then I'll pull away. And look really sad when I pull away. Then look really upset when I go to Finn." He looks at her and quietly says, "K". Then Kylie breaths in and says her cue. "KISS" Jakobe looks into her eyes, then tries to kiss her. Except his lips touch hers for a few seconds. Later on, he apologized for doing the kiss too soon. The timing was everything in acting. After the awkward few seconds for Kylie, not for Jakobe. He didn't like her like that, but that short kiss wasn't unpleasant. Kylie pulls away from Jakobe and tells him that she can't be with him. He's not the one she loves. She grasps onto Finn's arm and tells Jakobe that she loves Finn and she stands on her toes, smoothes her hand through Finns soft dark brown hair and bravely kisses him. The look on Finns face when she was with Jakobe, it was gut-wrenching. He didn't look ticked (like she told him to act like) he looked defeated and upset. But the look on his face when her hands were running through his hair, was more like the Finn she knows. The kiss goes on forever. She didn't intend for it to last this long. It was only supposed to last a few seconds. But Finn wouldn't let her go. His hands moved to her hair. He wanted to kiss her for so long. And he finally was. Except it wasn't for real. It was for a show. But it felt real to him. She was the one who ran her hands through his hair first. She's the one who was basically taking control of this "scene". But he wanted to take control. Finn takes one hand out of Kylie's hair places it on the small of her back pulling her into him. Chests pressed together; Kylie quietly moans. OH GOSH! Kylie thinks in her head, hoping no one heard that. Surely Finn heard it though because he gets caught up in the moment and takes Kylie's bottom lip between his teeth and gently tugs. Kylie's eyes snap open while a sensation of excitement runs through her. Finn's brown eyes are looking right into hers. He lets go of her lip thinking he hurt her. (Later, Kylie told Finn she wasn't hurt, she enjoyed it. Then she left his locker and went to the bus.) Then Jakobe finally breaks it up. Kylie figured he'd stop it earlier, but he didn't. She liked it, yes, but she shouldn't have. She's not with Finn. He pulls Kylie away from Finn, his face blood red and his face shaking. "I love you. But I hate him more!" Jakobe says and draws back his fist. Kylie jumps in front of Finn, putting her hands in front of Jakobe and telling him to stop. Jakobe looks behind Kylie, to see Finn's face redden in anger too. Good Jakobe thinks to himself. Maybe he was getting the hang of it too. Or he didn't like someone getting that close to hitting Kylie, the girl he wants, but can't have. Jakobe looks at Kylie. Then at Finn, who is holding tightly onto Kylie's right hand. He takes Kylie's left hand and kisses it. She takes his hand and holds it for a minute. Then Jakobe takes it into his own hands and finishes the scene by dramatically walking away. Kylie channels her dramatic actress and looks at Jakobe and to Finn, she reaches out toward Jakobe and starts crying. Then Finn pulls her into him and they share ONE LAST KISS.

                  After Kylie shows Nicholas the video, Nicholas' first response is out of Kylie's surprise. "Yeah. That was good acting. I didn't know Jakobe had any acting skills. Did you?" Kylie looks at him baffled. She tried to stop the video, but it kept saying error. She starts to talk but isn't sure what to say. She expected Nicholas to look disappointed that she actually did kiss Finn. She expected him to go on and on about how it would change the 3 of them. The 3 Musketeers. But he just sat there staring at her like he was waiting for her to speak. Well, she was. "Ummmm. Yeah. He took acting classes when he was 12, and he channeled his hatred toward Finn. So, it would make it easier and make it all seem more believable. Which I suggested." Kylie tells Nicholas. Nicholas nods. "You're so smart, sis." Kylie smiles. Then her smile slightly fades when he tries to be a big brother again. "So is that what you were doing with Finn. Giving in to your real feelings to make it more believable." She looks at him not knowing if she should praise him for listening to her acting coach teach her some techniques, or get upset that he's trying to be HER older sibling. "Nicholas you've seen the videos. It was acting bub. But I am his friend. So I do like him. But you're a little too young to understand something like this that I don't quite understand myself. That scene was basically a dramatic look into my love life magnified a little." He looks at her with an adorable smirk on his face. The look says it all. "So, you played off your emotions and feelings." Nicholas said as more of a statement than a question. The kid was so young but so smart. Sometimes she thought he got more out of her acting classes than she did. " Yes." She simply says smiling at him. She expected him to be upset about Jacob. But she was glad it ended like this. She didn't want to deal with her brothers' loss of friendship with her boyfriend until she knew what he was hiding because she was certain it was something.

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