Chapter 14: Revelations Part 1

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(First Uploaded: March 2014  Dates updated: January or February 2018; October 30 2019; Jan. 18, 2020)

         Kylie calms Jacob down with the help of Darla, Jacob's cousin. It was a difficult task, but they managed together. Out of the few people who can calm him down; Darla and Kylie are the ones for the job. That's one of the many reasons why they get along so well. "So can someone help me out of the water. This tail is really heavy and I have the upper body strength of Screech." Darla laughs. "I miss Saved By The Bell. He's my favorite." Kylie shrugs. She's more of a Full House kind of person. "Then I'll explain how the tail appeared." Jakobe, Darla, and Kyle all start to grab Kylie. But Darl stops noticing Jacob is remaking still. "Jacob, you okay? Can you help us? She's heavier than she looks." Jacob continues to star at the pool of water Kylie sits in. Darla drops Kylie's arm. "Oh no. It's happening again." She says walking towards Jacob. Kylie looks concerned. "What's happening again?" Darla looks at Kylie but doesn't respond. Instead, she opens up her backpack and pops a lid open on a prescription bottle. And pulls out a bottle of water. She puts the pill in Jacob's mouth and then puts the water to his mouth. "Open Jacob. Then swallow. Then you'll feel better." He listens to her. Everyone stops and watches Jacob, concerned. Nicholas' face is stricken with worry. Darla sits next to Jacob and explains to Kylie what's been happening to Jacob recently since his parents separated. Kylie stares in shock to the information she just received. She doesn't understand why Jacob never told her about his parents' separation or his seizure episodes that started afterward. "Wow. I texted and called so much wondering if he was alright. I always assumed he was because his dad posted on Facebook about some camping trip and other events that kept him busy." Darla looks at Kylie sympathetically. "There's a lot of stuff you don't know. I'll tell you at a better time." Darla stands up. "Now let's get you out of the water." As she stands, Kylie does too.

Everyone tries a few times to get Kylie out, but they can't get a hold of her comfortably. Every time her stomach or scales kept getting rubbed up against the rocky sides of the pool edges. Or they can't place their hands in the right spots. Jacob recovers and walks over to help them. They all start to make another attempt, but they pause when they hear music echoing through the tunnel entrance. Darla and Nicholas look at Kylie. "This can't be good." Darla says. Kylie shakes her head. Her entire body starts to tighten from fear. "What the heck." A voice creeps up behind them. The music stops. Kylie's heart drops to her stomach when she sees who the person is. She looks at his brown eyes and dark-brown hair. His chiseled jaw is hanging open, shocked. She's never once seen him look this freaked out. "Ummm....Ummmmm....what's going on Kylie." She looks at him terrified. She looks to Jacob and back to Finn. She can feel her face heat up from awkwardness. Jacob looks at Kylie. "Kye. Who's he. Why does he know you?" Jacob says jealously. Nicholas looks at Kylie. Then he looks at Jacob. "He's a good friend of Kylie's. He doesn't know who she is either. No one does." Kylie smiles at her brother. "Well until now." She says scared. Finn slowly walks toward Kylie. He bends down and looks into Kylie's eyes. She can feel some kind of connection or weird pull toward him. She ignores it. "I hope you can understand why I didn't tell you about this." She says tearing up. Finn looks at her, his face stark white. "I don't understand how this is possible and I can't believe this is you." He says with a hint of fear in his voice. He stands up and runs out of the cave. "Finn! Please don't go. I'm sorry. You're not the only one who didn't know." Jacob looks at Kylie. Suddenly anger running through him. "So that's Finn. That's the guy you kissed!" He yells. Kylie shrinks down into the water. "Yes. And it truly was for the play to get out of detention." Nicholas nods. Kylie smiles at her brother appreciating his help. Although it's not exactly helping. Kylie looks at Jacob pleading for forgiveness. "Jacob it really was. I swear I wouldn't do that to you." Darla pipes in. "Jacob. She wouldn't do that to you." She looks at Kylie. "But, Finn could have at least helped us get you out Kylie." Kylie shrugs. "I'd probably run too if I saw me." She says. That's not exactly true. Kyle Couture would probably talk to the mermaid. "Besides. I think I can get myself out with a little assistance." She smiles at Jacob. He walks away. Jakobe rolls his eyes. "I'll help you." He chimes in. "You wouldn't be the first I helped." He says. Kylie looks at him confused.

After Jakobe helps Kylie get out of the pool; he, Darla, and Nicholas are off to the side talking giving Kylie and Jacob some time alone. Jacob looks at Kylie. "I'm sorry for not telling you everything Kye. Truth is, I'm having trouble being away from you and staying sober." He tries to keep from looking from her tail. Kylie looks at him. "You know you can talk to me about anything. I just don't know why you didn't tell me Jacob. And I'm sorry." She says reaching for his hand. He pulls his hand back, cringing at her blue tail. She flinches at his rejection. She understands why he was freaked out at first when he saw her. But he can at least take her hand. She looks at his face, it's white and he looks like he's staring off into space. She looks over to Darla. "Darla. Is he having a seizure?!" She asks frantically. Darla stops her conversation with Jakobe and Nick. "No. I'm fine Kye. Well, sort of." Jacob stares at Kylie's tail. Darla looks at her cousin. When she notices he's okay, she lest out a sigh of relief and continues her conversation. Kylie sighs at his disgust toward her and looks at the tunnel entrance. She sees Finn lurking there eyeing her tail. Finn sees her looking and he turns around and leaves. Kylie immediately wonders if he was eavesdropping on her and Jacob. She also wonders how much this will change their friendship. She can no longer receive surfing lessons from him. Kylie frowns upset.

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