CHAPTER 51: Show Time! Part 2

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Matt flinches."I didn't think she'd be. But you two have been awfully close and intimate lately. More than normal."

Kylie rolls her eyes. "How do you know that this isn't my normal?" She challenges him.

Matt shrugs. "I don't know. I didn't expect you to be so sexually advanced, but I guess I don't really know you." Matt sighs.

Finn scoffs. "Yeah. You don't."

"And I'm normally not like this. It's this stupid Double Bond and Mermaid stuff that's changing me." Kylie says.

Matt nods. "Right." "Sorry. I was just hoping that you weren't. Although it would be spectacular If you were. We haven't had a Hatchling in our Kingdom since..." Matt trails off. "Well since Evie, my sister and I."

Finn and Kylie gasps. "Seriously?" Finn says astonished.

Matt nods. "Yeah." Kylie and Finn stare at Matt for a few minutes.

"Why haven't there been any births in your Kingdom?" Kylie asks, breaking the silence. Matt groans and rolls his eyes. "Humans and Global Warming." He says annoyed.

Finn rolls his eyes. "Typical. Blaming humans." He says annoyed.

Kylie sighs. "He's right. It is us. We have been putting so much harmful stuff in the Oceans and it kills of so much Sea Life and it probably messes with their ovulation cycles too. The Chemicals is what's permanently messing up the Oceans and what live in them, including Mer-Folk and their issues with conceiving and finding food." Kylie tells Finn, realizing the important information they learned in their Marine Biology class.

"She's right Finn. That's exactly why our kind has been having problems conceiving. And the changes in the weather lately has only made it worse. It's been either cooling or warming our Kingdom and the females can't even Ovulate because there is something else that's been going on that King Poseidon can't even figure out." Matt explains to his friends.

Finn and Kylie sigh in unison. "Sorry for the rude comment. I remember what we learned in class and I shouldn't have lashed out at you. Your species is nearly extinct and humans are at fault." Finn apoligizes to Matt.

Matt smiles at his cousin and nods. "It's a mistake Humans often make. You guys don't know how bad it is until you see it up close or until you learn about it." Matt says.

"That's the truth. I knew it was bad; but I didn't expect it to be a crisis. I only learned that when I met you and when I moved to Sooshanie and started my Marine Biology classes." Kylie admits as she gets off the rock.

Finn playfully nudges her. "It doesn't help that West Virginia isn't exactly knowedgable in Marine Life and Oceans." He chuckles. Kylie and Matt both laugh together.

But Kylie looks into Finn's eyes instead. "Yeah. My eyes were definetly opened when I moved here." She then looks at Matt.

"And mine were opened when I first met you Kye." Finn grins at her. Kylie's cheeks turn pink. Matt laughs and they both look at him. "My eyes were certainly open when I met her too. She definetly can change a guy." Matt playfully punches Finn. Finn chuckles. "She can. She's unique and amazing."

Kylie lets out a long sigh. "You guys." She takes each of their hands and looks at both of them. "I think we all know that I love you both." She says admtting to both of them for the first time.

Matt and Finn both nod at her and smile. "We do Kye. And we both love you. And we all know that." Matt says looking at Finn, not growling or smirking. Just a straight face. Finn looks from Matt and then to his true love. "Matt's right. We both love you so much."

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