Chapter One Hundred Thirty Six

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My body was warm, so warm that I was convinced that my body temperature had to be raised

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My body was warm, so warm that I was convinced that my body temperature had to be raised. The kiss was mine numbing and even when he pulled back I was left feeling flushed. I shifted my eyes from his almost immediately and he let out a chuckle before using his hand to make me look at him.

"You don't get to kiss me and then act shy when I kiss you back."

I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet. After a few second passed I looked up at him and our eyes met. I scanned his eyes to only find nothing in them. I reached up and ran my fingers along his jawline. He didn't protest he just laid there and watched me closely.

I looked back into his eyes and for the first time  I wanted to be completely open with him. I want to tell him about my past, and about me. I mean if I didn't now when would I? I don't think he would ever ask that particular question and just like Kang Wu had said it's just a lie that helps me sleep. I'm scared.

"Ba Wei," I called softly.


"I want to put my full trust in you." I let my eyes scan his face, "will you listen?"

"Of course."

I took a deep breath and slid my legs in between his. I didn't even know how to start what I was trying to say since I hadn't told anyone about it in so long. I ran through possible ways of how to start it but still couldn't decide on one.

"Hey," Ba Wei pushed my hair behind my ear, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want too,

"No I want too." I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. "I told you that me and Cheng De were friends, a toxic kind but still friends."


"Well, I never told you what caused us not to be friends." I swallowed hard, "I...I killed someone."

When the words left my mouth my entire body felt numb. I hadn't said that phrase aloud in almost two years now. It's not like I could say it around my father since he basically told me to never speak of it again. It is something that old man would do. Make things that he doesn't want to deal with disappear.

"Of course I didn't mean too but in the end I still did."

I looked up at Ba Wei to see that his eyes weren't on me anymore but rather on the wall. It looked as if he was thinking about something. I wanted to ask what but I wanted to finish telling him before I did.

With a dry mouth I continued, "I don't even know his name. I don't even know how his family is doing. In all honesty I could've avoided ever meeting the guy but Cheng De fed me lies about how he was bad mouthing me. I went there that day just to make him stop using my name but instead I left with blood covered hands."

My voice was trembling at this point and Ba Wei seemed to take notice because he wrapped his arms tightly around me. I closed my eyes and for the hundredth time the events of that day flashed in my mind. The blood, his cries, and then the silence afterwards.

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