Chapter One Hundred Thirty Nine

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When Monday came I felt as if time had flown by

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When Monday came I felt as if time had flown by. The weekend had came and passed with ease and I didn't even notice Ba Wei wasn't there. Sure, not having him physically there was a bit lonely but calling him was enough for me.

I sat in my desk just looking out the window as the home room teacher spoke at the podium. We had just got done taking midterms and I have to say that It was a bit easier than I had thought it would be. Maybe it felt like that because of how much me and Ba Wei had studied the past two days. Probably. We did study every time we called each other.

"Now, the results should be out tomorrow or Wednesday. Now don't think just because of this that you can slack off. Class will resume as usual tomorrow."

I didn't even turn to look at the man when he said that I just kept staring out the window. In truth, now that I had completed the midterms my mind was on Ba Wei. I missed him. Sure we had talked over the phone, but I missed being able to see and hear him in person. Hurry and stop talking so I can go find him.

I glanced over at the podium to see him still talking and mentally sighed. I was about to lay my head down on my desk when I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out and was happy to see a message from Ba Wei.

Ba Wei: come to the tutoring room when your teacher stops talking.

I couldn't help the slight smile that planted itself across my face when I read it, but it fell right after as I noticed a message underneath his. I recognized the number, and it was my father. He hadn't contacted me since that day we argued, so even seeing his number mad me slightly anxious.

Father: I will be back in town tomorrow night. I will come by your place so please be there when I arrive.

Even now after that conversation he speaks to me as if I'm a servant. Why can't he just be forward about what he wants to talk about because I know it's Ba Wei. No matter what he says on the matter I will not end anything just be sure he wants his reputation in tact. He's probably bringing that woman with him too, but I suppose thats a good thing since I still need to ask her why she contacted my mom.

I sighed and sent a quick text back to my father first then I sent one to Ba Wei simply saying okay. When I put my phone back in my pocket it felt as if my patience had ran a bit lots thin. I wanted the teacher to stop talking so I can leave already but he kept going. It was about forty five minutes when he finally said his goodbyes and I calmly but quickly got up and threw my bag over my shoulder. 

I made a quick exit from the classroom and started to make my way towards the tutoring room. My heart was pounding and my breath was slightly more heavy. I was excited, excited to see him. I missed touching him, kissing him, and even just holding his had. I missed him in general.

"Ji Nan," that familiar high pitched voice called.

Although I heard her I pretended I didn't and just kept walking. I could hear footsteps behind me but I didn't care. I rounded the corner to the tutoring room and as I was about to open it she called out to me again.

Annoyed I turned around and yelled, "what?"

As our eyes met I noticed she seemed to be surprised. She was well put together today; she looked how she did before I cut contact with her. I waited for her to say something but she just stayed quiet.


"You what? You followed me all the way here so get what you have to say out." I waited for to say something and it took about a minute for her to began speaking.

"I...I just want to say that I'm sorry for showing up to your house like that. I should've at least call-"

"Look Yaling I don't care anymore okay. I don't want your apologies. You apologizing won't bring the relationship you thought we had back. Just leaving me alone okay."

She was silent and without a word she turned and started to walk away. I was about to open the door when she called out to me again.

"Hey Ji Nan."


"I'm glad your father has been discharged from the hospital."

When I heard that sentence I immediately was confused. How did she know about my father, let alone that he was in the hospital. I watched as she walked away and I was left standing there confused. How could she even know that was my father was in the hospital. It isn't common knowledge so how does she know.

I stood there for a few seconds thinking about that but decided to just push the thought to the back of my head for now. I opened the door and when our eyes met my breath halted. I watched as he slowly stood up from the chair. I walked inside and sat my bag down.

"Hey," I said as a smile spread across my face.

I watched as he smiled and made his way over to me. Without missing a beat as soon as he came into my reach I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He let out a chuckle but kissed me back. His hands went to my waist and pulled me snuggly against him.

"I missed you too," he said as our lips parted.

I couldn't help but slightly laugh at what he said. I let my hands slide from around his neck and slide down his body until I reached the hem of his shirt. I lifted it and inspected where the stab wound was. It was still bandaged nicely so I gave a relieved sigh. I looked up at him to see him eyeing me. I titled my head and a smile spread across his face.

Without warning he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in the crook of my neck. The feeling of his breath on my skin sent shivers down my spine.

"You missed me that much?" I was expecting him to make a joke but he didn't. He nodded his head to my surprise. "Huh? Really?"

He pulled back and stood up straight, "yes really. It was hell not being able to see you for two days."

I chuckled, "well you're the one that left for two days."

"It wasn't even my choice to do that."

I stared at him for a second before I leaned up  and kissed him again. I couldn't help it, he was just acting too cute. He stared down at me for a second before turning and walked towards the table. I raised an eyebrow and was about to ask what he was doing until I saw him pick up his bag. He walked back over to me and smirked.

"My house or yours?"

I leaned down and picked up my bag, "let's go to mine."

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