Chapter Forty-Eight

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That was the sound that woke me up from the alcohol induced nap that I had fallen into. When I opened my eyes I was instantly annoyed. I slowly sat up, and as I did the room began to spin again. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I looked around the somewhat dim room, and looked at the bottle. I sighed and stood up, and as I did this another set of bangs rang through the apartment. Who the fuck is banging on my door?

I picked up the bottle and made my way to the door. I took a swig from the bottle, and I instantly regretted it. It burned all the way down, and although it felt nice I couldn't help but knit my eyebrows together. I don't know who I was expecting to be outside, but Ba Wei was not one of the options.

"Ba Wei," I said surprised.

We made eye contact and I watched as his eyes shifted to the bottle in my hand. I didn't try to hide it because I had no reason too. It wasn't like I was ashamed of it. I was about to ask why he was here, but before I could he pushed his way in. I raised my eyebrows surprised at the sudden action, but still closed the door.

"What are you-"

"Why are you drinking," he asked cutting me off? He asked this with his back to me, and I was grateful for that. If he wasn't looking at me I could lie. I wasn't going to tell him the actual reason. If I did he most likely would ask questions I didn't want to answer.

I cleared my throat," Just felt like drinking."

He turned around and our eyes met. A smirk made its way onto to my face and I took another swig from the bottle. My body still felt warm and I was pretty sure that my face was red. Even though I had fallen asleep the alcohols affect on me had not become weaker. I was about to take another swig, but before I could Ba Wei grabbed the bottle.

"Hey, give it back."

"No." His voice was cold, and because of the alcohol in my system I immediately became irritated. I would say when I get intoxicated I don't get more irritated, but that would be a lie. I watched silently as Ba Wei closed the bottle, and walked over and sat it on the kitchen counter. "You shouldn't drink by yourself."

"Don't tell me what to do." Ba Wei turned and looked at me and a smirk appeared on his face.

"You act like a child when you're drunk?"

"I'm not drunk," I argued back. In truth I wasn't drunk, I was just a bit tipsy. If I were to finish that bottle I most likely would get to the point of being drunk.

"You're not drunk but you're swaying right now." I raised an eyebrow and looked down at my feet. There's no way I'm swaying. I would've noticed, right? I didn't say anything and that made Ba Wei chuckle. "Not gonna deny it I see."

"Why are you here," I asked annoyed? Ba Wei walked over to the fridge and opened it. He was silent as he did this, and that made me even more annoyed. "Are you going to answer me?" He looked at me and closed the fridge door, and leaned against he island.

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