Chapter One Hundred Eighty Two

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The next morning was a rough one

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The next morning was a rough one. It had been so long since I had to get up early that my body wanted to stay in bed. It took Ba Wei three times to actually get me out of bed which is embarrassing. We had just left the apartment when Ba Wei got a call from his father. He didn't say much but just told him that my father hoped I had a great day. I didn't know how to feel, but I nodded none the less.

"Are you hungry?"

"A bit, but we can get something at the school."

He nodded and grabbed my hand. It was still early out so there was barely anyone on the streets which was nice. I tugged on his arm pulling him closer to me. Seeing these streets again felt refreshing. It was nice to be back in a place that I had started to call home.

"Let's stop and get a small bite to eat."

I didn't get a chance to respond because he had already pulled me into a small shop. The aroma of food hit my nose almost immediately, and my stomach started to growl.

"Grandma are you up in here," Ba Wei called making me raise an eyebrow?

"Xiao Wei is that you," an old lady called as she walked to the front of the small store.

She was a very small woman in her mid to late sixtys. She had salt and pepper hair which she had pulled in a small bun, and a rather youthful face.

"How have you been? I haven't been around lately," Ba Wei asked as he pulled her into a hug?

"I've been alright. Jun Li is still giving this old lady a hard time. Talk to that boy for me why don't you."

Ba Wei laughed, "you know he won't listen to me." Ba Wei glanced back at me, "oh yeah I almost forgot. This is Ji Nan, my boyfriend."

I was stunned at the introduction and even more stunned at the fact that he openly called me his boyfriend. I bowed and smiled and she seemed shocked also. I was scared of what she was about to say next.

"How'd you get such a handsome guy?" A smile spread itself across my face and I let out a chuckle shocking Ba Wei.

"I don't know. I'm just lucky I guess."

"I'm Gao Suyin, but just call me grandma. It's what everyone calls me." I thought she would go for a handshake but instead she pulled me in to a hug. I didn't really know how to react so I just hugged her back. "You boys must be hungry. I'll give you something that you can eat on the way to school."

I tried to protest but she had already walked back behind the counter. I looked around the small shop and tried to work out how I never noticed this shop before.

"I've never noticed this shop before."

"I bet you haven't. It's a bit out of the way from your normal route. I usually eat here in the mornings with Jun Li."

"Really. When was the last time you did that?"

"Hmm probably about two months ago. He's been working on being more consistent in things so he's canceled on me. He'll call when he's not busy anymore."

"I always forget that guy is a thug."

Ba Wei let out a laugh, "he's barely that."

"Here you two go," Gao Suyin said as she handed us two small bags.

"You're the best," Ba Wei said smiling big. "We'll be on our way now. Tell Jun Li to stop ignoring my calls because he lost a bet."

The older lady smiled and nodded. We made our way out the store and Ba Wei immediately reached into the bag and pulled out what looked to be a sandwich. I watched as he took a large bite and let out a satisfied sigh.

"What kind of sandwich is it?"

"Its just a egg sandwich but she puts her own little touch to it."

"Give me a bite."

I had asked as a joke but when he put the sandwich up to my lips I didnt have much of a choice but to take a bite. The flavors exploded on my tongue surprising me.

"It taste a bit familiar," I said between chews.

"Yeah? Have you had her food without realizing or something?"

"No. I'm sure I just have tasted something quite similar to it."

"Probably. Grandma Gao originally is from Taiwan so most of her cooking is a mixture of there and here. She leans more into Taiwanese flavors though."

I nodded and reached in and grabbed my sandwich and took a bite. I let out a small sigh took in the streets that slowly were becoming more lively. The loud noises use to bother me but now they brought me comfort. This city brought comfort. How relaxing.


We made it to school right on time. As we walked though the gates eyes were immediately glued on us. It didn't bother me much, but Ba Wei seemed to be getting annoyed. I reached out and grabbed his hand. His head snapped towards me and a smiled a little.

"Don't let the stares get to you."

"It's not the stares that is bothering me its them whispering. It pisses me off."

"Let them whisper. It's not like they have accurate information anyway."

He didn't say anything and just nodded. We pushed though the crowd of people and made our way into the building. As soon as we walked into the building we came face to face with Yaling. She looked liked she was about to say something but Ba Wei spoke first.

"If you have anything to say, say it to him when I'm not around."

He didn't even give her a chance to respond and pulled me around her.

I yanked on his hand, "why-?"

"It's better I'm not around," he said cutting me off.

I nodded and just let my mind wander. I wonder what my father is up to right now. I actually don't know if my father would be coming into town for the time being. Another thing is that he hasn't mentioned the company at all. He owns it sure but he was always so caught up in work that it's strange for him not to care about it now. Sure he's dying, but I don't know...I just always thought that he enjoyed working.

"What do you want for lunch," Ba Wei asked as we came to a stop outside my classroom?

"I don't know.Why do you ask?"

"Was going to go pick it up while you converse with that girl."

I cocked a eyebrow, "What's with that tone?"

"I don't have a tone," he said flatly shifting his eyes.

I let out a laugh, "stop being so cute. Just get me a burger. The talk won't take long so I'll probably be waiting on the roof for you."

He nodded and leaned in and kissed me, "Pay attention."

I laughed, "that's my line."

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