Chapter Seventeen

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Me and Ba Wei parted ways at the middle of the halls, and I was thankful for that

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Me and Ba Wei parted ways at the middle of the halls, and I was thankful for that. If I was around him for any more time, I would definitely turn into an actual tomato. Why does he make me blush so much?

I walked down the hallway trying to find a rational answer for that but was pulled out of my thoughts by that annoying high pitched voice.

"Ji Nan," Yaling called! I didn't stop walking and because of that I could hear her running towards me shortly after. I kept my eyes forward and even when she caught up to me I didn't glance at her. "Ji Nan, where are you going?"

"To class."

"This early? The teacher won't be in until about thirty minutes." She was breathing hard as she walked beside me. I started to walk a little faster for the simple reason that I wanted to make her more tired.

"I know. Why are you here so early?"

She was silent for a moment, "um, I was looking for you."


"I wanted to apologize before anyone got here, but that guy was already there."

"Yeah," I said as I walked into the classroom.

"Why was he there anyway?" Judging by her tone, she seemed rather annoyed.

"He was with me." I sat down in my desk and sighed. Yaling walked over to the desk in front of mine and sat down. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail, and she seemed to have on less makeup than she usually wore.


"He's a friend."

"Friend? A guy like him?" She was starting to annoy me. Why was she prying so much into this?

"Yaling the company I keep isn't your concern."

"Ji Nan I didn't mean it like that." Her voice was low and soft. "I was just curious on why you'd be around a person like him."

My eyebrows knitted together and I narrowed my eyes at her. I studied her face to find that it was stern. This was the first time I had seen her with such expression.

"Yaling," I said sighing, "I'm my own person. I hang around whoever I please."

"Why can't you just tell me why you're hanging around him," she asked as our eyes met?

"I don't want to, and more over I don't have to."

After I said those words I watched as her once calm and expressionless face came to life. Her eyebrows knitted together and I watched as her expression became confused. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

I turned my attention out the window and soon after that a sob came from in front me. I didn't turn back towards her and when she did finally leave; I only listened to her retreating footsteps.

I laid my head down on the desk and sighed. I would be nicer to her, but at this point I can't. I had to make it very clear that I wasn't interested. Although I did lead her on, I just didn't want to hurt her. Why does my life have to be so difficult.


When lunch came my mood was not as good as it was when I got up this morning. Through out the day I would get irritated by the smallest things. From the way the teacher was talking, to the multiple students whispering.

I don't know why my mood took a dive, but if I had to guess I'd say it was Yaling. Throughout class she would just stare at me, and even though I wouldn't look back at her; I could still feel her gaze. It got to the point where the chemistry teacher had to tell her to turn around. I wonder if she was even embarrassed? Probably not, seeing how she stared nonstop like that.

I had my head on the desk with my eyes closed enjoying the silence of the empty room. The students had long cleared out the room, and I was thankful for that. I could finally try to calm my nerves down. As I lay there thinking about nothing the sound of footsteps echoed through the room.

I didn't open my eyes, and I didn't even move. I just ignored it, but the footsteps seemed to be getting closer to me. Without any other option I lifted my head and opened my eyes. I was expecting to see Yaling, but instead I was met by the waist of a guy. I looked up slowly to meet the eyes of Ba Wei.

"Were you sleeping?"

"No," I answered truthfully, "just resting my eyes." He only nodded his head, but he didn't break eye contact. After a brief moment of us just staring at each other in silence, I shifted my eyes. "Why did you come here," I asked scratching the back of my neck?

"I came here to tell you that I won't be attending the tutoring session today." As those words but my ears I raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? Why?"

"I have to take care of something." His voice was cool and although I wasn't looking at him; I could tell that he was looking at me.

"Ok," I said coldly. I pushed my hair behind my ear, only for it to fall right back in my face.

"Are you mad?"

"No." That was the truth. I wasn't mad at all. I don't know how I felt but it wasn't an ounce of anger in my body.

"Don't be mad," he nudged me, "we can just double up tomorrow."

A small smile made its way into my lips, "I'm not mad. It's not a big deal." I looked up at him to see that one of his eyebrows were raised. "What?"

"Nothing. I'll see you later." He turned and started to leave.

"Wait. You're skipping the rest of the day?"


I wasn't angry before but now I could feel my blood start to boil. I looked down and ran thorough all the things I could say. Most of them were vulgar, and I didn't want to show him that I was angry. After a good minute of thinking I finally decided on what I was gonna say.

"I'll collect your homework."

"What," he asked as he stopped walking?

"I'll go to your classroom and collect your homework."

"You don't have to do that. The teachers won't care if I'm gone."

"I will. My task is to help your grades improve, so you missing half the day will affect that if you don't have the homework."


"Just come to my house after you get finished with what you have to do to pick it up." He stood with his back to me completely silent. I couldn't help but stare at his back waiting for him to say something. As I stared a weird thought ran through my mind causing me to blush. I quickly covered my face.

"It might be late when I come pick it up." He turned to look at me.

"That's fine. I'm usually up anyway." He turned back around and started walking again. Just as he exited the room; he said one thing.


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