Steve - Prank war

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"Steve Grant Rogers! I swear to god!" You screamed as you heard snickering outside the bathroom door. You jumped out of the shower and looked at your now bright red hair, you wrapped a towel around yourself and swung to door open to see Bucky and Steve holding a camera up and laughing.

"I'm gonna kick your asses!" You shouted as you ran after them, you stopped as they ran out of your room and shut the door.

"JARVIS, get Tony here please." You said as you smirked devilishly. You changed into clothes as Tony came in and then burst out laughing.

"Oh shut it." You said as you nudged him.

"We gotta get him back." You said as he smiled.

"What are you thinking?" He asked as you smirked.

"You still have those strong sleeping pills?"

"Ok, he's out cold. And Bucky is out with Sam all day." Tony whispered as you snuck up to Steve while snickering quietly to yourself. You put cream onto Steve's eyebrows and brought out the razor. Tony left the room because he was laughing too hard while you got to work shaving off your boyfriends eyebrows. After you had got rid of them you pulled out a sharpie and drew on angry cartoon eye brows. You grabbed everything and ran out of the room and burst out laughing with Tony.

"Oh my god, I can't breathe!" You said as you both fell to the floor laughing your asses off. You heard a noise as you saw Steve waking up slowly, you covered Tony's mouth as you tried to not laugh. He got up and headed to the bathroom.

"Fuck!" He swore as you snorted and both burst out laughing. Tony ran off quickly leaving you there.

"Y/N!" He shouted as he swung the door open and hit you in the head.

"Ow!" You shouted as you fell back onto the floor.

"Y/N, Jesus!" He shouted as he knelt down and held onto your head. You opened your eyes and immediately started laughing again.

"Really?" He said as you started getting up but stumbled a bit.

"Fuck, that really hurt." You said as he helped you up and sat you onto the bed. He brought out an icepack and gave it to you as you chuckled quietly.

"Are you ok doll?" He asked as he held your face, you nodded but couldn't help laughing. You stumbled to the bathroom and grabbed a cloth and soap as you gave it to Steve.

"Please wipe them off I can't take you seriously." You said as he chuckled and shook his head. He came back after a few minutes as you burst out laughing.

"Can we finally agree that we have a truce now?" He said as he sat next to you.

"Yeah." You said as he kissed your forehead.

"How's your head?" He asked as you rest your head onto Steve.

"It's fine, just a bump." You said as he wrapped his arm around you.

"Do you know how long it will take to grow my eyebrows back?" He said chuckling as you laughed a long with them.

"I'll just draw them on for you." You said chuckling as he shook his head.

"I kinda like the red hair, suits you." He said as he looked down at you.

"I don't like the eyebrows you look creepy as fuck." You said as he gasped and pushed you gently.

"Rude!" He said as you chuckled, you leant up and kissed him as you both giggled quietly together. 

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