Servant - Part 2

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Loki picked up your unconscious body and rushed you up to the infirmary. He made it up to the infirmary as he saw another man there he hadn't met.

"You must be Loki. Oh I see Bucky had another sparring session." Bruce said as Loki laid you down on the bed.

"I don't know why they treat her so horribly, she did bad things in her past. Haven't we all?" Bruce said as he looked down at your bruised and bloodied face.

"What did she do?" Loki asked hesitantly as Bruce got to work.

"She worked for Hydra, killed a lot of people. But when I look into her eyes I don't see a killer, I see a terrified girl who just wants to be loved. I know hydra controlled her, now Tony does the exact same thing." Bruce said as Loki sat down beside you and held onto your hand.

"I've tried to change Tony's mind, but for some reason the whole team just hates her with a burning passion." Bruce said as he began stitching up the wounds on your face.

"I know you don't see her as just an object, I can see the way you look at her." Bruce said as Loki looked up.

"I don't know how anyone could hate her." Loki whispered as he looked down to you.

"I-I'm sorry, p-please." You whimpered in your sleep as you began moving around. Loki ran his hand through your hair.

"It's ok darling." He whispered as you slowly opened your eyes, he smiled softly at you as you squeezed his hand in return. You looked up to see Bruce and smiled.

"I missed you." You whispered as he chuckled.

"I missed you to Y/N, I'm sorry I was gone for so long." He whispered as you chuckled.

"Still can't handle a beating I see." You heard a voice say as you clutched onto Loki's hand.

"Tony, she was injured pretty badly. Let her rest." Bruce said as you closed your eyes. Tony came over to you and ran a finger across your face as he smiled. Loki glared as him as he held onto your hand even tighter, you opened your watery and bloody eyes to look up at Tony.

"I-I'm sorry s-sir." You whispered as he pulled out a small device. You began panicking as you shook your head.

"N-No, p-please. I-I'll get back to work straight a-away I'm sorry." You rushed out as Tony smiled and put the device away.

"See, that wasn't so hard." Tony said as Bruce just kept his eyes down cast.

"Are you joking?" Loki said as he stood up and faced Tony.

"Excuse me?" Tony said as he glared at Loki.

"She's injured badly because of one of your teammates. You can't make her work for you in this condition." He said as you shook your head.

"L-Loki please." You whispered as Tony pulled out the device again and pressed the button. Your body convulsed and you let out a scream as blinding pain ripped through your body. Loki punched Tony in the face and threw him against the back wall as you continued to scream. Steve and Thor entered and grabbed Loki before he could do anymore. The pain stopped as you were left sobbing and searching for Loki's familiar face.

"Loki." You called out.

"Let me go!" He shouted as Thor held onto him.

"Put him in a cell. We will deal with him later." Tony growled as Loki looked up at Thor.

"It's only for a little while brother." Thor said as he dragged him out of the room.

"Loki n-no." You cried as Tony grabbed you by the hair and threw you to the floor. Bruce was about to rush to you as Tony stopped him.

"Not another step." Tony growled. You tried to stand but Tony slapped you across the face causing you to fall back again.

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