Pietro - The Past

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You had a dark past, one that none of the team knew about. They knew you weren't from Earth, but they didn't know you were from Asgard. You were surprised Thor had never recognised you, maybe Loki wiped his memory. You were with Loki for some time, but he changed and became possessive and violent. So you left Asgard and came to Earth, where you met Pietro. He was so kind and gentle with you, and you could actually have fun with him.

"Are you sure you'll be ok?" Pietro asked as you smiled.

"Of course I will, it's only one day." You said as he hugged you.

"I know, but I just worry." He said, you couldn't help but think how cute he was.

"I love you." He whispered as you kissed him.

"I love you too." You replied before the team left. It was just you for a whole day, it would be nice to have some alone time.

You were lounging around the tower when you heard a noise.

"JARVIS? Is something in the tower?" You muttered, there was no reply. Your blood ran cold.

"JARVIS?" You muttered as you stood up.

"Sorry dear, it's better if no one knows I was here." You heard a voice say as you face went pale.

"N-No." You whispered as the voice laughed.

"Oh yes darling, I finally found you. I thought you'd be happy." He said as he stepped out from the hallway. You summoned your sword as you glared at him.

"I would leave now if I were you Loki." You growled as you pointed your weapon at him.

"Tsk tsk Y/N, look at you. So confident since I last saw you, when you ran away from me." He hissed, his magic began filling the air as you tried to back away but hit a wall.

"No! Get away!" You shouted as you quickly grabbed your emergency device that would alert the team.

"Loki's here help!" You screamed before you lost consciousness. Loki sighed and walked over to you as he crushed the device under his foot and picked you up.

"Y/N set off the emergency beacon, JARVIS is down and I have a message from her saying Loki was there." Tony said to Steve as he sighed.

"We have to get back." Steve said as Tony nodded.

"Team, Y/N is in trouble. Everyone back to the jet." Tony said as they all made their way back.

You groaned as you woke up in an all to familiar room, Loki's. You tried to move but your wrist was cuffed to the bed.

"Seriously." You groaned as you pulled at it.

"Can't have you running away from me again can we?" Loki said as he walked up to you.

"Fuck off." You growled as he slapped you across the face.

"Fucking asshole!" You shouted as he glared at you.

"I was trying to be nice to you darling, but you ruined that." He said as he snapped his fingers, you ended up in the dungeons chained to the wall.

"Now stay here and think about what you've done." He said in a mocking tone as you glared at him.

"You're fucking crazy Loki." You hissed as he grabbed you by your hair and held a knife to your throat.

"You don't scare me." You whispered as he smirked.

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