Avengers - Ghost - Part 2

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(Argh god I just wanna fuck himmmmm, and praise the boy, I would top him, don't mind me)

It was the day after you had defeated the trail mite. Tony had kindly set up a room for you in the tower. It was 2am in the morning and you stood on the roof looking out into the city. You felt so lost, you had never been on earth and not known everything that was going to happen. Now, you just stood here, no purpose, alone.

"Y/N?" You heard a voice say as you turned around and saw Bucky.

"Hello James." You muttered as you smiled softly, you frowned as you walked up to him.

"You had a nightmare." You said as he looked away from you. You reached out and gently touched his cheek as he looked into your eyes, you smiled gently.

"You were the only thing I had in Hydra, the only bit of hope I had." He whispered as he placed his hand over yours.

"I wish I could've seen you more James, I wish I didn't have to hurt you. I cared about you a lot, I just couldn't do anything." You whispered as he smiled sadly. (i'm so fucking aloneeee)

"I'm here now." He whispered before he leant in and kissed you. You were shocked at first but held onto him as he kissed you, you hadn't ever kissed anyone like this. You'd kissed a few to make sure fate stayed on track but nothing like this, for yourself. You pulled away and he held your face in his hand.

"J-James." You muttered as he smiled and ran his hand over your cheek.

"I'm sorry, you're the only thing that I remember." He whispered as his smiled faded, you leant in and kissed him again as he held onto you.

"Why are you awake?" He whispered as you rested your head on his chest.

"I'm just adjusting to all of this, I'm used to knowing everything that's going to happen. Now I know nothing, I'm lost." You whispered, Bucky pulled away and smiled gently.

"I think we are both pretty lost. Maybe we can do this together?" He asked in a small voice as you nodded.

"I'd like that." You replied, you took his hand and led him back into the tower.

"We should get some sleep." You said as he nodded, you were about to let go of his hand but he tightened his grip.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" He asked softly as you smiled.

"Of course." You whispered back as he led you back to his room. You collapsed onto the bed and he laid beside you.

"Y/N?" He asked softly as you turned on your side to look at him.

"Can you sing?" He asked quietly as you smiled and nodded. You began singing as he moved closer and wrapped his arms around you. You softly sang as you both closed your eyes and fell asleep together.

You woke up with Bucky pinning you down to the bed and his metal arm around your throat. His face was angry and scared as you tried to get his arm off you. You couldn't think of any other way to get him off you. You summoned your power and sent a blast that sent him flying across the room.

"James it's me!" You shouted as he glared at you.

"Steve! Tony!" You shouted as you backed up against the wall.

"James, it's alright. You're safe." You said as he stalked up to you. He stopped so close to you that you could feel his breath on your skin. His hand kept up to your throat, you took his hand and began singing.

"No! You won't control me anymore!" He shouted as he grabbed you and threw you into the wall. You coughed out as you looked up at him.

"Stop James!" You shouted as he stormed up to you again, he pinned you to the wall as you tried to fight him off.

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