Natasha - Safe House

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@oobus_woobus hope you like it

(You ever get sick of bad people getting rewarded and good people getting punished?)

"What do you mean we have to disappear?" You asked as Steve sighed.

"With everything between the government, Hydra and us I think we all need to disappear for a bit. It would be good if we could all stay together." Steve said as you looked to Nat, she signalled for you to come outside with her.

"We always said if this happened we would tell them. It's the safest place we can go, plus there's like seven bedrooms, I think the house will appreciate actually having some people live in it for once. I mean it's not exactly a romantic get away but it's something." You whispered as you kissed her gently.

"It will be nice to not hide in front of them. Ok let's tell them." Nat said as you smiled, you went back into the room and addressed everyone.

"Guys, we may have a solution." You said as they looked up to you and Nat.

"Nat and I are together and we have a mansion upstate that we can all stay in." You blurted out as they just stared at you both.

"What!?" Tony shouted.

"I inherited it from my Grandma, and Nat and I have been together for 2 years now." You said as they all looked at you with their mouths open.

"Again, what!?" Tony shouted as you and Nat chuckled.

"The house has seven bedroom, fifteen acres and plenty of TV's and all that shit." Nat said as everyone still just looked at you both.

"Yes we are together and have a mansion together! Get over it children, now all of you be good and go pack your bags. Mommy and Mommy have to talk." You said talking like a mother as they all either groaned or chuckled.

"Yes Moms." Tony said as they left. Nat wrapped her arms around you and kissed your neck as you smiled.

"That wasn't so hard." You muttered, she smiled and kissed you before she led you out of the room.

You all began packing and preparing to leave for the next day.

"It'll be weird leaving here." You muttered as you looked out onto the city.

"I know, but it's the safest option right now. Plus it'll be nice to live like normal people for a while, we can play family." Nat said as you chuckled.

"Yeah, I think it'll be nice." You muttered.

"Alright kids it's time to go!" You shouted out as you grabbed your bags.

"I'm coming Mom!" Tony shouted as he ran down the stairs like a child, you laughed and threw a bag at him.

"You're gonna be a horrible mother." He said as you punched him in the arm.

(You ever just like, can I kiss a girl right now? No? Alright)

"Well, I guess this is it." Steve said as everyone took one last glance at the main room of the tower.

"Clint, Bruce and Thor you guys are in one car and Y/N, Tony, Nat and I in the other." Steve said as everyone nodded and you piled into the elevator.

"Who's ready for a road trip?" Tony said as you chuckled.

"No making out in the back seat and we should be fine." You said as Tony winked.

"No promises." He said as you pretended to vomit.

"Hey you two can't make out either!" Tony said to you and Nat as you laughed. You went your seperate ways into the cars, you were on the first shift to drive. Tony and Steve sat in the back together and Nat beside you as you began to drive.

"Anything you guys want to achieve while we aren't being Avengers?" You asked as you kept your eyes on the road.

"Well there is this new position I wanna

"Tony!" Steve shouted as he elbowed him.

"Are ever not horny for Steve?" Nat asked.

"Are you ever not horny for Y/N?" He asked as you chuckled.

"Fair point." Nat said as you all laughed.

"It'll be nice to have a break." You muttered.

You finally arrived at the mansion after hours of being in the car. You stretched out your sore limbs and yawned as you looked at the house.

"Alright, it should be pretty clean. The neighbour down the road cleans it every now and then. But still, don't complain if it's dusty." You said as everyone headed in.

"Damnnn Y/N." Tony said as you chuckled. It was pretty elegant, a lot of gold. Your grandma did like the finer things in life.

"Alright everyone go look around or whatever, I'll start dinner." You said as everyone else left.

"You can go rest or whatever you need." You muttered to Nat as you began cooking.

"What's going on?" She asked as you looked away from her.

"It's nothing." You mumbled, she came in behind you and hugged you as you sighed.

"Tell me." She whispered as you looked down.

"Being here, it just makes me think. What would my life be like if I hadn't been captured for Hydra? If I had stayed here with my Grandma, lived a normal life, became a normal person." You whispered as you wiped away a tear, you turned around and faced Nat. You hugged her tightly and cried as she ran her hand through your hair.

"I know it's hard to not think about that stuff. But just think about all the good stuff that came out of it. A family, a safe place to live, me." She said as you smiled.

"I know, I love my life now. Just wish I didn't have so many scars." You mumbled, she kissed your forehead and smiled.

"I know, I think you're beautiful no matter how many scars you have. And for a few months we can live a happy family life. With two gay men, a green dude, a god and whatever the fuck Clint is." She said as you laughed.

"Yeah, we can play happy family for some time." 

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