Bucky - Baby!?

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@erincannon132 hope you like it!

You woke up hearing a large blast, as you jolted awake. Bucky wasn't beside you, you got up and ran into the main room to see Loki and Tony just staring at each other.

"What the hell was that!?" You shouted as Loki turned around with a baby in his arms.

"What the hell!?" You shouted as Loki chuckled awkwardly.

"Sooo, funny story. I was trying a new spell and Bucky happened to get in the way. Here." He said quickly as he handed you the baby and disappeared.

"What the fuck!?" You shouted as the baby started crying.

"Tony help me." You whispered shouted as he ran off.

"You dick!" You shouted before shutting your mouth again. You cradled the baby carefully before you sat down with him.

"Shh it's ok." You whispered as he began to calm down.

"Wow who's baby is that?" Thor asked as you looked up at him.

"It's Bucky." You said as he looked at you with confusion.

"Ask your brother." You groaned out as he awkwardly left you there.

"JARVIS order baby formula express on Amazon, of and a dummy." (Yes I'm aware Americans call it something different a pass or whatever) You told JARVIS.

"Yes Miss L/N." JARVIS replied. Well, this was something to wake up to.

"Shh it's ok, I'm here." You cooed to the baby as you rocked him back and forth gently.

"Hey, Tony told me what happened." Steve said as he sat beside you.

"You don't seem very freaked out." You said as he chuckled.

"In this line of work I've learnt to act now and freak out later." He said as you chuckled.

"Good idea." You said as Steve took the baby gently from your arms.

"You go get some food, I'll look after him." He said as you nodded and began preparing food for both you and Steve. You came back as quick as you could and laid down a plate for him.

"JARVIS is ordering baby stuff but I think we'll need to head down to the store and get some formula he might be hungry." You said as Steve nodded. You took Bucky back into your arms and ate breakfast while you rocked him back and forth.

"You look like a natural mother Y/N." Steve said as you chuckled.

"Nah, I wouldn't be a good mother." You said.

"Of course you would be, you and Bucky would be great

"No I wouldn't Steve, drop it." You said as he looked at you in confusion.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked as you sighed.

"I can't have children, I've never told Bucky." You muttered ever so quietly. Steve wrapped his arm around you as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked as you looked down at baby Bucky.

"I was scare, ashamed. I can't do the one thing all women can do." You whispered as he nodded.

"I understand. You can always talk to me about anything Y/N." He said as you smiled.

"I know, thanks Steve. Anyway we should get down to the store." You said as he nodded, he cleaned up the dishes and held Bucky as you went up to your room to get ready. You saw Loki on the way and grabbed him pinning him to the wall.

"You figure out how to reverse this while I take care of him. Or so help me Loki I will crush your balls." You growled as his eyes widened.

"I'll get started on it." He said as you smiled.

"Good." You said before you let him go. You changed into simple clothes and came back down to see Steve cradling Bucky in his arms.

"I think you should be a father." You said as he chuckled.

"That baby would be jacked as fuck!" You said as he laughed more.

"You're a weirdo, let's go." He said as you got into the elevator with him.

"Why is this not the weirdest thing that's happened?" He said as you chuckled.

"I will admit, he's a cute baby. Even without his lil arm." You cooed as you gently ran your hand over his cheek.

"Lemme have him." You said making grabby hands at Steve, he chuckled and gently gave Bucky to you. Bucky let out a little giggle as you looked up at Steve almost crying.

"No, we can't keep him like this." Steve said as you pouted.

"Awww." You said as you both laughed. You followed him out onto the street as you began walking to the corner store.

"Argh god we gotta get diapers as well. I am not cleaning that up, actually Loki did this he can clean up." You said as Steve agreed. You got into the store and started getting some baby stuff as a few women cooed at Bucky.

"How old is he?" One girl asked.

"Ummmm, 24 weeks?" You said as the cooed more. Steve just chuckled and began paying for everything.

"Geez, put a baby in front of women and they become putty." You said as Steve looked at you.

"You're one to talk." He said as you rolled your eyes. You both headed back to the tower with baby Bucky. You sat down as Steve prepared the formula.

"Did Bucky ever talk about having children?" You asked as you looked down at Bucky.

"Sometimes he would, he wasn't one for settling down though. He wanted to chase any girl he could, no matter where it would take him." Steve chuckled as you smiled.

"Do you think he would be disappointed in me?" You mumbled as Steve sat beside you.

"Of course not Y/N. He would never ever be disappointed in you, especially not because of this." He said as you nodded and smiled. He gave you the bottle and you gently held it to Bucky. He started drinking as you leant back into the couch and relaxed. Loki ran in as you looked up at him.

"I have a solution!" He declared as you shushed him.

"I found a reverse spell." He said as you smiled, you couldn't wait to have your Bucky back.

"Just let me finish feeding him and you can try." You said as he nodded.

"I'm gonna miss this cute little face." You cooed as Steve chuckled.

"I think we made pretty good parents for the day." He said as you nodded.

"I think we did pretty well." You said as you helped Bucky finish his milk.

"Alright, time to bring him back. This better work Loki, remember what I said about your balls? I wasn't joking." You warned.

"Yes yes I know. Alright place him on the floor and stand back." Loki said as you nodded, you placed Bucky on the floor and stood back with Steve as you both watched Loki concentrate. Magic surrounded the two as you hung onto Steve and watched them. There was a large blast as you shielded your eyes.

"Mother fucking bitch!" You heard Bucky shout as you opened your eyes to see him glaring at Loki.

"You're dead!" He shouted as he leapt at him but Loki disappeared.

"Nice to see you again." Steve said as Bucky chuckled. He came over to you and hugged you tightly as you smiled, he pulled away and held your cheek in his hand.

"I'm not disappointed in you Y/N, it's ok if you can't have children." He said as you smiled softly. He kissed your forehead then your lips before looking down at you.

"I love you."

(I am so exhausted, like I haven't been this tired in so long. I haven't really been sleeping either. I just finished treatment and it was so exhausting I had so many side effects because of it and now there's even more side effects coming off the treatment. I just need to hibernate)

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