Pietro - Burn out

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"Are the nightmares still continuing?" Bruce asked as you nodded and kept silent.

"I can prescribe some medication, it helps with PTSD and has been shown to help dissociation as well." Bruce said as you just mumbled in reply.

"Pietro and Wanda are moving in today, Tony wanted the whole team to introduce to the. If you don't want to that ok, Tony will understand." He muttered as you nodded.

"I'll just stay in my room." You muttered as you stood up and headed for the door.

"Thanks." You mumbled before heading back to your room. You ran into someone as you kept your head down.

"S-Sorry." You muttered as you heard the person chuckled.

"It is alright Lady Y/N. Will I see you later to welcome the new Avengers?" You heard Thor say as you softly shook your head.

"N-No." You mumbled before quickly passing him, you got into your room and shut the door and quickly locked it as you sighed. You could barely look another human being in the eye after what happened to you. The Avengers understood you were broken, and they did everything they could to help. You appreciated it but you were still too scared to be apart of the Avengers. You grabbed your stuffed bear the Steve had given you and cuddled into it as you closed your eyes.

"Welcome!" Tony shouted as Pietro and Wanda chuckled.

"No need to be so loud Tony." Nat said as he laughed.

"Come on it's exciting." Tony said. They welcomed Pietro and Wanda into the tower as they introduced everyone.

"And of course Y/N, she isn't an Avenger just yet but she lives in the tower. She was in Hydra for a very long time so I suggest taking it easy if you meet her." Steve said as they nodded.

They were all sat at the table eating and talking as you slowly made your way down. You had a small stone in your hand that you kept with you if you felt nervous, you would mindlessly play with the stone. You realised you needed small things like your stone or teddy bear to help you through various things. They were special to you and when you had them you felt less alone.

"Y/N!" Tony shouted as you noticed he was a little drunk. You smiled a little and grabbed your plate of food before sitting down.

"Y/N, this is Pietro and Wanda." Steve said as he smiled to you, you nodded and looked at the two siblings and smiled at them.

"It's nice to meet you Y/N." Pietro said as he smiled, you just nodded and kept your head down as you ate your food.

"We're having a party to welcome the new crew and an excuse for Tony to drink. Did you want to join us?" Steve asked as you shrugged.

"M-Maybe." You muttered as he smiled. You quickly finished your food and you were about to head back to your room when a large blast went off. You were thrown to the floor and cut by the flying glass as the Avengers quickly swung into action. Pietro quickly grabbed you and pulled you back as you saw the Avengers fighting someone.

"It's Strucker." Pietro muttered as you held onto him. Suddenly there was another large blast and you were knocked out.

"Y/N." You heard someone whisper as you groaned. You opened your eyes to see Pietro looking down at you. You sat up and groaned when pain rushed to your head.

"Where are we?" You asked as you saw fear in Pietro's eyes.

"H-Hydra, I don't know where anyone else is. I don't even know if they ave Wanda." Just as he finished you heard a scream and you instantly knew it was Steve.

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