Recover part 2 - Bucky

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(First part in first book)

"Why don't you sleep? I'll find some food." You said as he reluctantly nodded, you pushed him into the room as he laid down on the bed and covered himself with the old blankets.

"Let me know if you need anything." You said as he nodded and closed his eyes. You began searching around the cabin for food. You broke open a locked cabinet and found cans of food.

"Fuck yeah." You said to yourself as you grab a few cans out, enough to make some soup for the both of you. You decided to leave the soup for a bit and let Bucky sleep more, you found an old sketch pad and pencil as you began sketching Bucky.

"No, please." You heard a small voice cry out as you placed the sketchbook down and looked inside where Bucky was. You could see him tossing and turning with sweat dripping down his forehead. You knew better than to go to close, you grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

"Bucky! Wake up!" You shouted as he shot up in bed and immediately ran for you, you ran outside of the cabin.

"Bucky it's me! Calm down!" You shouted as he caught up to you and grabbed you from behind. You screamed and thrashed around in his arms as he dragged you back to the cabin and threw you to the floor.

"I told you to stay here!" He shouted as he hit you across the face, you scurried away against the wall as he looked at you. His face suddenly dropped as he took in a deep breath.

"Y/N." He whispered as he looked at you and the red mark he had left on your face. He knelt down to you and tried to reach out but you flinched away.

"I-I'm a monster." He muttered before getting up and walking out of the door.

"Bucky no!" You shouted as you ran after him. You grabbed his hand and turned him around.

"Please don't leave." You begged as you looked into his eyes. He gently ran his hand over your cheek as he stared at you.

"I hurt you." He muttered as you shook your head.

"That wasn't you, that was the Winter Soldier." You said as he looked down at the ground.

"Bucky I have no where else to go, and I have no one else in this world that cares about me. Please don't leave." You said as hugged you tightly.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as you smiled and hugged him back.

"It's ok, I promise. Now come on I'm making soup." You said as you took his hand and dragged him back into the cabin. You grabbed out a pot and managed to work the old stove as you began cooking an old soup.

"Do you want to sleep again?" You asked as his face paled.

"No!" He shouted as he shook his head.

"Hey it's ok. You can stay here with me." You said as you smiled kindly. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your hair.

"B-Bucky?" You asked as he just hugged you tighter.

"What?" He grumbled as you chuckled.

"Nothing." You said as you continued making the soup. Bucky stayed with you, his arms wrapped around you as you made the soup.

"Bucky I need you to let go so we can eat." You said as he groaned but let go, you chuckled a little as you dished up the soup. You sat across from each other at the small table and began eating, you could see Bucky's eyes widened as he looked at you.

"What? Is it that bad?" You asked as he shook his head.

"No no! It's amazing!" He said with wonder in his eyes, you chuckled and then remembered that Hydra definitely wouldn't have fed him anything with flavour.

Marvel Oneshots - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now