Stolen - Part 2

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They put Bucky into a cell as you watched him sadly.

"It's just for now Y/N. He's safe in there." Steve said as you nodded. Bucky began to stir awake as you grabbed Steve's hand and held it.

"I'm right here." Steve whispered as you smiled. Bucky woke up and glared at Steve and then you. He growled lowly as you hid behind Steve.

"Bucky it's ok. She's safe with us, look she's completely fine." Steve said as you stepped out and smiled.

"I'm safe Soldier, they won't hurt me. We can both be safe here." You said as he stepped up to the front of the cell.

"Please Soldier, we can be happy here." You whispered as you placed your hand on the glass. He slammed his fist against it as you jumped back and were caught by Steve.

"Traitor." He growled as Steve gently pulled you out of the room.

"He'll come around Y/N. He just needs time, for now we need to get Bruce to check you out. I imagine they did a lot to you in there." He said as you sighed.

"Y-Yeah, w-will you stay with me?" You asked softly as he smiled and kissed your forehead.

"I'll be right by your side." He whispered as you smiled and followed him up to the infirmary. Bruce was waiting as you sat down on a bed and shuffled awkwardly.

"It's alright, we just need to see if there's any last damage. O-Other than lasting mental scars of course." He stuttered as you nodded.

"Could you show us the main injuries?" Bruce asked as you nodded. You lifted your shirt to show him a large bruise on your stomach, deep scars on your wrists from the restraints and scars as your head from where they shocked you.

"Some of these scars will last, like the ones on your wrists. But the rest should heal pretty quickly." He said as he wrapped bandages around your wrists and smiled.

"And you have a tower full of people who you can talk too." He said as you nodded and headed back out with Steve.

"I'm gonna go back to my room. J-Just need to rest and be alone." You muttered as Steve nodded. You watched him leave as you snuck down to the prison cells.

"S-Soldier." You muttered as Bucky looked up at you, he looked relieved at first but then his face changed and he glared at you.

"Vixen, or should I say Y/N." He growled as you went up to the glass.

"W-Why don't you want us to be safe?" You asked as he kept his eyes glaring at you.

"You don't belong to them, you belong to me." He growled as you smiled softly.

"I'll always belong to you Soldier. But here we can be free, we can eat well, sleep in a bed, have friends. A-And we can be free to, h-hug and touch and all that stuff. In private, without Hydra always watching us." You said as his eyes softened.

"Y-You still want me like that?" He asked as his eyes widened.

"Of course Bucky. I-I need you." You whispered as he smiled gently.

"I thought you'd be here." You heard Steve say as you looked behind and saw him smirking at you.

"I'll let you two see each other. But Bucky, I need you to swear you won't hurt anyone." Steve said as you smiled at Bucky.

"I'll do anything just let me see her." He said as Steve opened the cell. Bucky ran out to you and instantly wrapped you into his arms as you held onto him.

"Soldier." You whispered as he ran his hand through your hair and kissed your head.

"I'm here, I'm sorry." He whispered as you smiled.

"You're both going to be safe here." Steve said as you smiled.

"I'll let you two have some alone time." Steve said before leaving. Bucky held your face in his hands and kissed your forehead.

"I love you." He whispered as you felt tears stream down your face. He held you to his chest softly.

"Shh it's ok. I'm going to keep you safe." He whispered as he leant down and kissed you.

"I love you too Soldier." 

Marvel Oneshots - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now