Pietro - Care part 2

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You woke up next to Pietro in the hospital bed as you smiled softly at his sleeping face. You gently ran your hand over his face as his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning." You said as he kissed your forehead.

"You stayed here all night?" He asked as you smiled and nodded.

"Of course, hopefully tonight you can come back to our bed." You said as he closed his eyes again.

"No no, you gotta wake up. More therapy today." You said as you shook him and he groaned.

"You're the worst." He grumbled as helped him sit up.

"Oh I know." You said as you stopped in your tracks.

"Y/N, what is it?" He asked as you looked around. You quickly grabbed a knife and watched the door.

"Something's not right." You whispered as he grabbed your hand.

"What are you talking about?" He asked as you heard a noise.

"JARVIS?" You asked as there was no reply.

"Fuck, someones in the tower." You said as you grabbed Clint's secret stash of bows and arrows.

"Y/N you're being crazy." He whispered as you stood in front of him and pointed the arrow at the door. As soon as someone stepped into frame you shot.

"Jesus Y/N! You almost fucking shot me!" Tony growled as he dodged the arrow. You glared at him and drew another arrow as he put his hands up in defence.

"Why is JARVIS not working?" You growled.

"Maintenance. Did you get enough sleep?" He asked as you narrowed your gaze on him.

"Y/N it's ok, calm down." Pietro said as he tried to take the bow and arrow away from you, you shook him away as you went closer to Tony.

"Y/N what the hell are you doing!?" Tony shouted.

"One movement and this goes straight through your head." You growled as he looked at you in shock.

"Where's Sally?" You asked as he looked at you in confusion.

"Who?" He asked.

"My dog, Sally. The one that lives in the tower." You hissed as he smiled confidently.

"Oh she's upstairs eating breakfast." He said as you chuckled and stepped closer.

"We don't have a dog. Loki." You growled as he smiled and changed back into himself, you kept the arrow at his face.

"Smart girl aren't you?" He said as you backed up and stood in front of Pietro.

"Where the fuck is the team?" You growled as he smirked and walked closer.

"Oh they are just 'resting' upstairs." He said as you kept the arrow trained on him.

"What do you want Loki?" Pietro growled behind you.

"I've already taken down the Avengers. What are you two children going to do about it hmm?" He asked as you fired your arrow but he quickly dodged it. He grabbed Pietro out of his bed and held a knife to his throat as Pietro cried out in pain and tried to stand.

"He's hurt Loki. Let him go." You growled out as he chuckled.

"Hurt you say?" He asked as he dropped Pietro onto the floor and Pietro cried out. Loki appeared behind you and held the knife to your throat.

"Come and fight me Pietro." Loki growled as Pietro looked to you hopelessly. He tried to stand but fell back down and groaned in pain.

"It's ok Pietro." You whispered as you fell the knife rest on your skin.

"Clocks ticking." Loki hissed, Pietro took in a deep breath and screamed in pain as he got to his feet and knocked Loki to the floor with his speed. He collapsed to the floor as you jumped onto Loki and grabbed a pair of dampening cuffs out of a draw and cuffed Loki as he groaned. Tony and Steve came running towards you as they grabbed Loki, you rushed over to Pietro and helped him back onto the bed. You hugged him gently as he wrapped his arms around you.

"You saved me." You whispered as he leant in and kissed you.

"Yeah but it hurt like a bitch." He joked as you chuckled.

"We'll take Loki into a prison, Bruce will be down to help Pietro." Tony said as you nodded.

"How did you know it was Loki?" Pietro asked.

"I don't know, I just looked into his eyes and knew." You said as Pietro smiled but his face fell as he groaned.

"It's ok, Bruce will be here soon." You said as you grabbed some pain killers.

"Here." You said as you gave him the pills and a glass of water.

"Thank you for taking care of me." He whispered as you kissed his forehead.

"Thank you for saving me." 

Marvel Oneshots - Book 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat