Tony - Gold

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You wrapped your jacket around you further as you shivered in the snow. You hid in a dark corner of an alley as you shook from the cold. You saw a man coming towards you as you shook your head.

"N-No, go away. Please." You mumbled as he chuckled and got closer and closer.

"I bet you're a pretty little thing underneath those clothes." He said as you shook your head more.

"Please, I don't want to hurt you." You said as he laughed.

"Oh I'm not the one that's going to be hurt." He growled as he shoved you against the wall roughly. You threw your glove off and touched his arm as his body began turning to solid gold. You moved away from him and watched him scream in pain as the rest of him turned to gold. You ran down the streets as fast as you could. You cried as your tears turned to gold and hit the white snow. You slammed into a man as you fell to the floor.

"Shit! Sorry." He muttered as he helped you up.

"N-No, get away!" You screamed as you pushed him away.

"Hey it's ok I'm not gonna hurt you." He said as you looked up to notice Tony Stark standing in front of you. He was that last person you could turn to solid gold. He reached towards you again but you ran off as fast as you could.

"Well, that was weird." He muttered to himself.

"Gold?" Tony asked as the team sat around a table with Steve standing in front of them.

"Police found a known criminal turned to solid gold in an alley way, there was a small trail of gold left behind. Seems it stopped here." Steve said as Steve pointed to a map.

"I bumped into a girl there today, she seemed terrified." Tony said as Steve looked at him.

"Friday be a dear and bring up any footage we have on that corner." Tony said as Friday brought up the scene where Tony had bumped into you.

"Run a scan on her face." Tony said as it brought up a few records of you on the streets.

"No home address, no job, I think she's homeless." Clint said as the rest nodded.

"Most we can do is bring her in for questioning." Tony said as suddenly a new record showed up.

"Sir, I found a record from 1946. It seems they discovered a remote village all turned to gold." Friday said as Tony looked at the newspaper article.

"Where was this girl last seen?" Steve asked as Friday brought up a location.

"Tony, Bucky let's you and I go check out this location and try to bring her in for questioning." Steve said as they nodded and followed him out.

You munched on an old croissant you found and made your way along the streets to the abandoned apartment you slept in. You saw Tony and another man in front of you as you stopped.

"It's ok, we just need to ask you a few questions." Steve said as you turned but bumped into another mans chest.

"We aren't going to hurt you, we just need to talk." He said as you tried to run but Bucky grabbed you.

"Get away from me!" You shouted as you tried to move away, Bucky grabbed your other arm and touched your skin as your eyes widened.

"N-No." You muttered as his skin began to turn to gold.

"No! I'm sorry!" You screamed as he screamed in pain and turned fully to gold as you backed away.

"Bucky!" Steve shouted as he ran up to him.

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