Loki - Eternal

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(part 2 in 3rd book)

(Sorry its been a while, I've been focusing on my mental health lately so I might be a bit slower to update for some time. Thank you for understanding)

Alone, cold and dark.

"H-Help." You whispered as your breathing became shallow.

"Look at you now, so pathetic." A voice hissed as tears streamed down your face.

"P-Please." You whispered as the voice chuckled.

"I-I don't want to die, p-please." You whispered as you felt a hand under your chin.

"You'll be much more useful to me dead." She whispered as you shook your head.

"No." You whispered as she smiled and drew her knife.

"Stop!" You heard a voice say as you sighed in relief. You looked up to see a large man with blonde hair and a smaller one with long black hair. They were Hela's siblings.

"Step away from her Hela." Loki growled as you tried to crawl away from her but she grabbed you by your hair.

"Where do you think you're going hm?" She hissed as you cried in pain.

"That peasant has nothing to do with this." Thor said as you scoffed.

"Rude!" You shouted at him as she threw you to the floor.

"You really don't know who she is do you? Of course not, you're both thick headed." She growled as you tried to grab her knife but she threw you back again.

"This creature is more powerful then the three of us combined, once I kill her I can control her and take over Asgard." Hela said as you groaned. You heard Thunder as you looked up to see Thor using his hammer. They began to battle as you crawled as far away as you could, you laid against a rock and watched them battle. If Hela won you were royally fucked. Usually you could defend yourself but she screwed your whole body up. You watched Thor fall to the ground unconscious, it's up to Loki now. Your eyes began to close as your body relaxed.

"D-Dammit." You whispered as you passed out.

"Maybe we shouldn't trust her brother." You heard a voice mutter as your eyes opened. You groaned and looked up to see the two royal brothers.

"I see you beat her." You muttered as you covered your eyes.

"Who are you?" Loki muttered as you sighed.

"Y/N." You muttered as you groaned.

"Oh and by the way, fuck your family." You said as Loki laughed but Thor glared at you.

"Why did she want you so badly?" Thor asked as you sighed.

"I'm very powerful, she wanted my power." You mumbled as they nodded.

"Where is she?" You asked.

"She's in the prisons, bound by magic." Thor said as you sighed.

"It won't hold her for long." You said as you tried to stand on your shaky legs, you tripped and Loki quickly caught you.

"I can't be someones prisoner again, I won't let her take me." You whispered as tears streamed down your face. Loki gently helped you back onto the table where you were laying.

"Sorry, she really beat me. My mind is all over the place." You muttered as you laid back down.

"It's ok we can help you get back home." Thor said as you scoffed.

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