Gone - Part 2

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(I hope everyone is well during this time, and if anyone is feeling lonely or wants to chat don't hesitate to message me. It's a very weird time for everyone)

You woke up in the morning, Bruce let you sleep next to him because he knew you hated being alone at night. Tony would be back tonight and you prayed that the mission was going well so he wouldn't take his anger out on you.

"How do you feel dear?" Bruce asked as you smiled softly. He gently looked at your neck to make sure nothing had happened during the night. He seemed to look into your eyes sadly for a bit before he leant in and hugged you gently.

"I'm sorry about all of this sweetie." Bruce whispered as you nuzzled into his embrace.

"You wanna go out to your favourite bakery today?" He asked as you smiled and nodded eagerly. He chuckled as he helped you out of bed.

"Go get dressed dear, we can have breakfast there." He said as he kissed your forehead and you ran off to your room to get dressed. You threw on a simple hoodie and pants as you put your hair into a bun and ran back downstairs. It had been awhile since you and Bruce had been to your bakery together so you were excited.

"That was fast, I guess someones excited." Bruce chuckled as you laughed along with him. He took your arm gently and you both headed down to the ground floor. The bakery was about a ten minute walk from the tower and you always liked being out with Bruce.

"Stick close to me at all times, alright dear?" Bruce said as you smiled and nodded. You both walked together to the bakery as you ran ahead of Bruce and ran into the bakery. One of the old ladies you and Bruce had come to know was working as you ran up and smiled happily.

"Y/N! It's so wonderful to see you again my dear." She said as Bruce came up behind you.

"There was a little accident so Y/N can't talk for a bit." Bruce explained as she nodded and smiled to you sadly.

"That can't be easy sweetie, I know how much you love to talk." She said as you all laughed. You ordered a cold drink and your favourite item from her and sat down with Bruce. Bruce gave you a small notepad and pen as you smiled and quickly wrote 'thank you' on it.

"Of course dear, you know how much I love this place. And we may as well have some nice time before the team comes back. B-But I should probably text Tony and let him know where you are, I don't want him getting angry at either of us." He mumbled as you nodded and Bruce quickly texted Tony.

"He said that's ok just take care of her. He seems to be in a good mood so that's a plus." Bruce said as you smiled brightly. You saw your food being brought over as you watched with excited eyes. Bruce chuckled as he watched you look at your food with amazement. You quickly held up your notebook that said thank you to the waitress. She smiled kindly and left you both to start eating. You were practically bouncing in your seat as you stared at your food. (mood)

"I think you eat with your mouth and not your eyes, I could be wrong." Bruce joked as you chuckled and began to dig in. Bruce loved these moments he could steal away with you, he loved seeing you so happy and free when Tony wasn't around. When you were with Tony you were shut off and scared, but here with Bruce you were just you.

"I love seeing you so happy Y/N." He muttered as you smiled.

'I like being with you.' You wrote on the notebook as you smiled with your mouth full of food.

It began raining just as you and Bruce got back to the tower.

"Why don't we have a movie day and do some drawing?" Bruce suggested as you nodded happily. You grabbed all of your drawing supplies and sat down in front of the TV as Bruce turned on a movie. You couldn't help but begin to draw Steve as the movie playing in the background. You looked over to see Bruce drawing some flowers and trees. The movie was drowned out as you concentrated harder on the drawing. You were almost finished when Bruce looked over and smiled softly.

"He would've loved that." Bruce muttered as you smiled and looked at the picture. You heard the elevator ding as you looked at Bruce.

"It's alright sweetie, I'm here." Bruce whispered as you nodded and held onto his hand. You quickly folded the drawing and placed it back into your book. You saw the team come up, they all looked pretty content which was a good sign. You looked for Tony and saw him with a scowl on his face. He threw his bag down angrily as you quickly hugged Bruce.

"I'll be upstairs." Tony growled as Bruce gently ran his hand through your hair.

"It's ok, he'll calm down." Bruce whispered as you nodded. You got up and saw Loki and hugged him gently as he chuckled.

"You seem better dear, have you tried talking?" He asked as you shook your head.

"H-How was t-the mission?" You grumbled out as Loki smiled.

"It went well, Tony realised how useful Steve had been to the team so he's angry." Loki explained as you nodded.

"Hey Bruce everything go ok?" Nat asked.

"Yeah we had a nice time." Bruce smiled as Nat hugged you gently.

"Miss Y/N Tony would like to see you in his room." JARVIS said as you nodded, you glanced at Bruce as he came up and hugged you.

"Call out to JARVIS if you need anything ok? We are all here if you need." Bruce said as you nodded.

"You've done nothing wrong darling he won't punish you." Loki said as you nodded and headed up to Tony's room.

"T-Tony." You muttered out as you slowly opened the door. You saw the room nearly in pieces and Tony on the bed looking hopeless.

"Pease come here." He muttered as he opened his arms, you walked over to him slowly and sat on his lap as he hugged you to his chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." He muttered as your eyes widened.

"Tony?" You asked as he began to cry.

"W-What's going on?" You asked as you looked up at his face.

"I'm a monster." He muttered.

"N-No you're not." You mumbled, he held your face in his hand as he looked at you.

"No more punishment, no more sex, no more manipulating. I'm going to change." He said as your eyes widened in shock. He kissed your forehead and then looked into your eyes.

"I promise Y/N. I realised a lot, something happened and it made me realise what I had become. I've been treating you like a toy, you're a person Y/N. You shouldn't be treated like a toy you deserve to be treated like a goddess if anything. I'll set up your old room again and I want to start training you to be apart of the Avengers." He said as you started crying, you hugged him tightly as he chuckled and hugged you back.

"Darling, look at me." He muttered as you looked into his eyes.

"Y/N." You heard a voice say as you looked behind you and saw Steve.

"S-Steve." You muttered as you looked back at Tony.

"I-I didn't kill him. I was getting jealous of you and Steve so I faked it so you would be in pain. But I realised what I had done, I promise to never hurt you again." He said as you cried with happiness, you jumped up and ran to Steve as you hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I'm here now." He whispered as you cried.

"I won't ever hurt you again." 

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