Nat - Help

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"Y/N you don't have to make this harder than it already is." Nat as you laughed.

"What is it huh? You're little goodie hero friends? Did they make you do this huh?" You asked as she shook her head.

"No this coming from me. I just can't do whatever this is anymore." She said as you glared at her.

"You just made a very powerful enemy." You growled as she rolled her eyes.

"For fuck sakes Y/N! I'm breaking up with you! Just fucking deal with it, you're fucking crazy and I can't deal with your bullshit anymore!" She shouted as you were taken back.

"F-Fine. Don't come to collect your shit, I'll just fucking burn it." You growled before you stormed off.

"Crazy? I'm not fucking crazy." You growled as you walked down the streets.

After about an hour of walking aimlessly you ended up back at your apartment. You opened the door and saw Shield agents there waiting as you laughed.

"What a nice welcome home. Let's make this quick shall we? Oh and don't get blood on those pillows, they're new." You said as you grabbed your two knives. You leapt into action and within a few minutes they were all down as you heard an applaud behind you. You turned to see Fury and Nat as you growled at them.

"Let's go Y/N. Don't make this hard." Fury said as you began to laugh.

"Oh I'm going to make this as hard as possible." You said as you were about to leap at them but you felt something in the back of your neck. You looked over to see none other than Steve Rogers injecting something into your neck.

"I-I hate you so much." You growled as you fell to the floor unconscious. Nat knelt beside you and ran her hand across your face.

"I know it's hard Nat. But she would've killed more and more people." Steve said as Nat didn't say anything and left. Steve picked up your unconscious body and left with Fury.


You woke up and saw the all too familiar glass wall. You turned around and saw Fury watching. You smirked as you glared at him.

"I'm going to burn this place to the ground." You growled as he scoffed and left.

"I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy." You hissed as you slammed your hand against the glass.

'Not crazy huh?' A voice said as you turned around to see your best friend well imaginary best friend.

"Not now Leo." You growled as he sat beside you.

'Oh now is the best time. You're falling to pieces I can see it.' He said as he held your cheek in his hand.

"I'm scared Leo." You whispered as he kissed your forehead.

'I know Y/N. But please no more hurting anyone.' He whispered as you glared at him.

"They hurt me first, they deserve to pay." You growled as he sighed sadly.

'Please dear, no more blood needs to be shed. Where is the Y/N I knew, the sweet girl who would never hurt a fly?' He asked as you laughed.

"She went the second Hydra took her. You of all people should understand I can never be her again. That girl was weak and pathetic!" You shouted.

"Y/N?" You heard Nat ask as you turned around to see her.

'She loves you Y/N, let her help you.' Leo whispered.

"I-I can't, I'm not weak." You whispered back.

"Who are you talking to?" She asked as you shook your head.

"No one. What do you want?" You muttered.

"I want to help you. I know it didn't work between us but I can tell you need help. Let us help you." She whispered as you began to cry. You fell to your knees and Nat came into the cell. She wrapped her arms around you as you cried.

"I know it's hard to admit, and you think you're weak. But you're the strongest person I know. You can tell me." She whispered as you hugged her.

"I need help."

(Asking for help doesn't make you weak. It makes you strong)

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