Bucky - Strings - Part 2

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"W-What?" You mumbled as he glared at you.

"You killed my parents!" He shouted as you coward away.

"Tony it's ok." Steve said as he grabbed Tony's arm.

"Let go of me Steve! She's the one who killed them!" He shouted as Bucky shielded you behind him. Your breathing became uneven, you weren't used to any confrontation without Strucker around. Tony brought up something on a tablet of you killing Tony's parents.

"I-I did what I had to." You muttered as you backed away.

"You killed them!" Tony shouted as he leapt at you. Bucky grabbed him and pinned him against the wall by his throat as you shook with fear.

"Bucky stop!" Steve yelled as he tried to get him off Tony.

"James it's ok." You whispered as you pulled Bucky off him.

"I-It's ok." You muttered as Bucky held your face in his hand.

"Anyone touches her and they die." Bucky growled.

"P-Please, I didn't mean it. I had to follow Strucker, I-I did what he said. I'm sorry." You whispered as tears streamed down your face.

"Tony we will figure this out later, right now we need to get back to the tower." Steve said as Tony glared at you but left you alone. The just started up as you held onto Bucky.

"H-He needs me. Strucker needs me." You cried as Bucky gently wrapped his arms around you.

"I need to go back." You whispered as you cried.

"We can't go back Y/N." Bucky whispered as you buried your face in his chest.

"I can't let you leave again." You whispered as you wrapped your arms around him.

"I'm not going anywhere. They put you in a cell, I go in a cell too." He said as you nodded. You held onto Bucky the rest of the way, to afraid to let go or see the team.

The jet finally landed, you had fallen asleep on Bucky. You woke up as he held onto you tight.

"We've decided to put you both in a cell for now, just while we work everything out." Steve said as you nodded.

"Can I stay with James?" You asked as he smiled and nodded.

"Not so brave without Strucker are you?" Fury said as you glared at him.

"Fury leave her alone." Steve growled as Fury left and you followed them into the tower making sure to stick close to Bucky. This was the first time you could actually hold him or be with him. You gently held onto his hand and followed them down to where the cells were.

"It'll just be for a bit." Steve said as he smiled at Bucky. You and Bucky were shut inside the cell as you sighed.

"We'll be back soon." Steve said as you nodded and watched them leave. You turned around to Bucky and gently ran your hand over his face. You felt tears stream down your face, but they weren't you tears. You looked up to see Bucky about to break down, he fell to his knees and began sobbing as you held him.

"Shh it's ok, I'm here James." You whispered.

"You did this." He whispered as your eyes widened.

"J-James?" You asked as he looked up at you with angry eyes.

"You did this to me." He growled as you stumbled back away from him.

"James it's ok. Please." You whispered as he glared at you.

"You did this to me!" He shouted as he leapt up and pinned you to the glass.

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