Bucky - Memory

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(I started watching Avengers Assemble and its so good!)

You crawl along the dirty concrete holding your bloodied and hurt side, your large wings pinned to your back.

"Fuck." You groan as you stopped in front of the large tower.

"This Stark better be able to fucking help me." You growled as you sighed and looked around trying to figure out how to get in. Your eyes landed on an old brick in the curb as you smirked and grabbed you. You sat up and threw it as hard as you could through the window smashing it. The alarms went off as you smiled and laid onto your back. You looked up to see Ironman pointing his blaster at you as you smiled.

"Who are you?" He growled as his helmet came off and you saw his tired dark eyes.

"I need your help." You said as you sat up and showed him your wings.

"How do we know you aren't a threat?" Another man said as you looked up to see Thor.

"Well, I'm about to pass out from blood loss so feel free to hand cuff me, just fucking help me." You growled as your eyes rolled back and you passed out. Tony looked up at Thor as Thor shrugged and picked you up. They made their way to the infirmary and laid you down on a bed and cuffed you down.

"JARVIS get Bruce and the rest of the team up here." Tony said as he sighed and sat down.

"Tony its 3am what could possibly be wrong?" Nat groaned as she looked at you on the bed.

"Who is that?" Another voice asked as he looked up to see Steve, Bucky and Bruce entering.

"We don't know." Tony mumbled.

"She smashed the window on the front of the tower and said she needed help. We could exactly leave someone with wings out on the street." Tony continued as the team listened. You started mumbling as they noticed scars on your body began to glow. There were cuts up your arms, on your eyes, your face, nearly everywhere. They all watched as you squirmed.

"N-No please stop, stop!" You screamed in your sleep.

"Could it be Hydra?" Thor asked as Bucky shook his head.

"Hydra is smart but hey couldn't have done something like this." He said as everyone nodded. Your eyes shot open as the glowing stopped and you looked around.

"Seriously! You didn't fix my wound yet!" You shouted as you hissed in pain.

"Oh, right!" Bruce said as he lifted your shirt and started working on it. You rested your head as you looked around the room.

"Who are you?" Thor asked as you sighed.

"Y/N." You muttered.

"What are you?" Tony asked as you looked at him.

"I don't know a fucking fairy. I woke up in this fucking city with no memory, all I knew is that I needed to find Tony Stark." You said as you hissed in pain as Bruce began stitching up your wound.

"So, for all we know you could be here to kill Tony." Steve said as you rolled your eyes.

"Yeah I guess." You muttered as Bucky glared at you.

"You don't have to be so rude." He mumbled as you glared back at him.

"I have a giant wound in my side that is very painful, I don't remember anything except my goddamn name. So I'm sorry I'm a little pissed." You growled as he put his hands up in defence.

"Sorry, I'm just afraid." You whispered as you looked away.

"It's ok, we get it." Bucky said as he smiled, you returned his smile.

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