Stephen - Cloak

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You were huddled in a dark alley way as you shook from the cold wind. All you had on was an old ripped t-shirt and loose pants. You had blood on you and bruises all over your body.

"There she is!" A man shouted as you shook with fear. Three men ran towards you before something red flew through the air. It knocked the men out and flew towards you as you began to cry.

"N-No! Please!" You shouted, it gently stopped in front of you and you reached out to it fearfully. It slowly wrapped itself around you as you cuddled into the warm fabric.

"I-I'm sorry." You cried as it gently wiped away your tears, you smiled softly and wrapped it further around you. It began pulling you up as you walked out of the alleyway.

"You!" A man shouted as you backed against the wall of the alleyway.

"Who are you and why do you have my cloak?" He demanded as tears streamed down your face.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." You cried as the cloak cuddled into you. His eyes seemed to soften as he saw your injured body.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you, I thought you were a threat. It's ok, we won't hurt you." He whispered as you looked up at him.

"B-Bad men were chasing me a-and cloak rescued me. T-Then huddled around m-me, it felt warm so I cuddled into it m-more." You explained as he sighed.

"Why don't you come with us, we can get you out of the cold and out of danger." He said as he held his hand out to you.

"I won't hurt you." He whispered as you gently took his hand.

"I see my cloak ditched me quite easily." He said as he smiled.

"It's warm, a-and I like him." You muttered.

"What's your name?" He asked as you hugged the cloaked to you cold body.

"Y/N." You mumbled.

"My name is Stephen." He said as you nodded, you moved closer to him and held onto his arm.

"It's going to be ok." He muttered as you followed him into a weird building.

"That thing is not welcomed here." You heard man growled as you clung onto the cloak and Stephen.

"Ray, what do you mean?" Stephen asked as he put an arm up protectively in front of you.

"She's apart of the circle! She is the darkest of them, I've seen that monster kill 100 humans!" He shouted as tears streamed down your face and you clung onto Stephen.

"N-No, I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean it." You muttered as the cloaked wrapped itself further around you.

"Ray I can assure you she means no harm. I found her on the street almost dead from the cold." He replied as Ray came down to you and looked at you with disgust.

"She's fooling you Strange, I knew you were stupid but I didn't think you were this bad." He growled as Stephen stepped in front of you.

"She's staying whether you like it or not." Stephen growled as you held onto him.

"That thing can stay with you but she isn't ever welcomed here! Now get it out before it tears us all apart. And Strange, when it kills you I won't be attending your funeral." He growled before he disappeared. You began too cried as Stephen quickly faced you.

"Hey it's ok. I won't let him hurt you, you can stay with me." He said as you hugged him tightly. He awkwardly hugged you back as the clock wouldn't let go of you.

"So I suppose you're never coming back to me." Stephen said to the cloak as you giggled. He led you out of the strange building and down the street to a set of apartments. You followed him into his apartment clinging onto the cloak. You immediately walked up to couch and laid down cuddling against the warmth of the cloak. The cloak suddenly flew off you and dragged Stephen over to lay next to you.

"O-Oh um." Stephen mumbled awkwardly before you cuddled into him.

"It's ok, you're safe Y/N. We'll protect you." He whispered as you smiled softly.

"Thank you Stephen."

(Idk what this was, I hope it was ok though)

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