Bucky/Steve - Frozen

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'Silence, darkness.'

"Silence." You whispered as you voice echoed. 'Darkness.'

"Darkness." You whispered as you wrapped your arms around yourself trying to stay warm.

"H-Happiness." You whispered as your head began to ache. 'Pain.'

"P-Pain." You whispered. 'Destruction.'

"Destruction." You muttered as the pain stopped. 'Good.'

"L-Light?" You muttered as you looked up to see a wall crumbling in front of you. 'Light?'

"Peggy, come look at this." You heard a man say as you looked up to see a silhouette of a person.

"Oh god." You heard a woman's voice say. 'Stay.'

"S-Stay." You muttered as you watched them come closer to you.

"It's ok, we are here to help you." She whispered as she knelt in front of you.

"My name is Peggy and that's Jarvis, what's your name?" She asked as you looked at her. You just kept silent as you looked at her.

"That's alright, you don't have to speak. Why don't you follow us out of here? We can help you." She said as she smiled. 'Go.'

"G-Go." You whispered as you began to stand up on your unsteady legs.

"That's it dear, it's ok. You're safe." She whispered as you followed them out into the light.

"B-Bright." You muttered as you looked around. You walked up to a single tree and looked up at the leaves that were slight wet from the dew. You reached up and gently touched one of the leaves. 'Cold.'

"Cold." You muttered to yourself.

"Come on dear, we'll get you somewhere safe." The woman said as she gently led you to a small car. She helped you into the back seat as you ran your hand over the fabric. 'Soft.'

"S-Soft." You whispered as the two people got into the car. The engine started creating a loud noise as you quickly covered your ears. 'Loud.'

"L-Loud." You muttered as you shut you eyes tightly and shook your head.

"It's ok, you're safe. It's just the car." The man said as you slowly uncovered your ears. 'Car?'

"Car?" You asked as the woman chuckled.

"It helps us get places faster." She said as you smiled.

"Car." You said as you giggled. The woman smiled as she looked back at you. 'Where are they taking us?'

"Where, w-where." You tried to mutter. 'Almost, where are we going?'

"Where we g-going?" You asked as the woman smiled and faced you.

"Somewhere safe, you don't need to be afraid dear. We'll keep you safe." She said as you smiled. You rested your head against the cold glass of the window as you watched everything pass. 'We're cold.'

"C-Cold." You whispered.

"There's a jacket beside you, you may use that." The man said as you nodded and wrapped the coat around you. 'Say thank you.'

"T-Thank y-you." You muttered as the man smiled.

"Of course." He said as you returned to looking out the window.

The car stopped as you wrapped the coat around you tighter and waited for the woman to open the door and help you out. She led you into a building as you held onto her arm. There were a lot of people in the building, you started breathing heavier as you looked around. Everyone else looked at you as you shook and held onto Peggy even tighter.

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