Bucky - Angel

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(Yo umbrella academy season 2 was a wild ride)

"P-Please! I didn't do anything wrong!" You shouted as two angels held you back.

"You're a hideous mistake, mistakes need to be taken care of." The head angel said as they dragged you towards a portal.

"We can't have a monster like you be an angel." The head angel hissed as they threw you into the portal. You screamed as you went through and suddenly you were falling. You screamed as you tried to spread your wings but the pressure made it impossible. You screamed as you saw the roof of a building getting closer and closer. You hit the ground landing on your left wing as you screamed in pain. You lay on your back bleeding and sobbing as you see someone coming closer to you.

"Letting you fall wasn't enough, those angels up there just don't have the guts to kill you. But I'm going to make sure you never come back." He hissed as you realised it was one of the angels. He went to go stab you but you quickly rolled over and cringed in pain.

"I-I don't think I-I'll survive anyway." You muttered as you spat out blood, he just smirked as he leapt at you again. You quickly dodged him and fell to your knees as you cried in pain.

"P-Please stop." You whispered as he laughed, he drew his sword and swung it again as it sliced your left eye. You screamed and covered it as you fell to the floor. He stood over you with his sword as he smirked.

"Bye bye little birdie." He said, just as you were preparing to die the man was tackled to the ground. You coughed up blood as you scurried away and watch a large dark haired man knock the angel to the ground. You stood up painfully and tried to help but ended up falling to the floor.

They were locked in a heated battle as you sobbed in pain. The human seemed ruthless, he grabbed the sword and killed the angel as you sighed in relief. The human seemed like he was under some sort of spell, he kept stabbing the angel ruthlessly as you stumbled over to him.

"S-Stop." You muttered as you fell to your knees beside him. He seemed to pause as he looked at you.

"I-It's ok." You whispered as he jumped back in shock and looked at the body.

"I-I killed him." He whispered as you placed your hand on the angel and turned his body into dust with your limited energy.

"H-He needed to d-die." You muttered as another man rushed out.

"Bucky! What happened!?" The man shouted as Bucky stood in front of you.

"T-There was a guy attacking her s-so I tried to stop him but I lost control." He said as Steve looked over to you and then your wings and injuries.

"P-Please, I need help." You whispered as you fell onto your hands then onto your back. Bucky knelt beside you as he looked down at your wings.

"Steve we have to help her." He said as Steve came over to you and picked up your heavy now unconscious body. They rushed into the warmth of the tower and into the elevator as Bucky pressed the level for the infirmary.

"Friday inform Tony and Bruce we have a patient and need their help." Steve said as the elevator stopped and both men walked out quickly towards a waiting hospital bed. Steve gently laid you down trying his best to not crush your broken wing. Bucky had grabbed a damp cloth and was gently wiping it over your face as Steve sat down and sighed. Not long after Bruce and Tony came rushing into the room to see an etherial looking being in their infirmary.

"Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?" Tony exclaimed as Bucky looked up at him.

"I found her being attacked on the roof, she was in terrible shape." Bucky whispered as he kept his eyes on you. Maybe it was his past that made him feel connected to you or maybe he just had a heart for lost hurt puppies like you. Bruce got to work on your wounds as Tony checked the footage from the roof.

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