Bucky - Rescue kitten

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(You're either a weeb or catra fan, me I'm both lol)

It was so cold, you knew you were in pain but the freezing temperature numbed your skin and bones. Your body shook and your teeth chattered as you weakly sat up and look around to see yourself in the middle of the snow, just ahead was a large wreck that was still blazing. You stood on your shaky legs as you stumbled towards the wreck. You fell to the floor in front of a small blaze as you hugged yourself and let the fire warm you. You heard a noise as you looked up to see two men walking towards you.

"He didn't steal your pants Tony." One said as the other known as Tony groaned.

"He did Steve! He was wearing them! He does it just to taunt me." Tony said as Steve sighed.

"Tony, when was the last time you slept?" Steve asked as Tony covered his mouth.

"Shh." Tony said as Steve was about to speak again but Tony pointed at you. You ducked behind a piece of scrap metal as you covered your mouth. Steve peeped behind the metal as you scurried back and hissed a little. He saw the animals like ears on top of your head and the cat like tail.

"It's ok, we're here to help not hurt you. You can trust us." He said as you cautiously looked up at him.

"You're barely wearing any clothes, you must be freezing." Tony said as you nodded hesitantly.

"Let's get her back to the jet." Tony said as Steve nodded, they stepped closer as you hissed more.

"It's ok, we'll stay back. Can you follow us?" Steve asked as you nodded and slowly stood up. You followed them way from the wreck as you shivered.

"We'll get you warm in the jet." Steve said as you nodded. They led you into a jet where another man was sitting with his arms crossed.

"This is Bucky." Steve said as you hesitantly looked at the man.

"Do you have a name?" Tony asked as you looked at him.

"Y/N." You muttered as he nodded.

"We're going to fly back to our tower where we can get you medical help and help you however else you need." Steve said as you sat down next to Bucky.

"Hey." He muttered as you kept your head down.

"H-Hello." You muttered as you felt something touch your ears, you hissed and jolted away from him.

"Sorry! I j-just couldn't help myself, they look so soft." He muttered as you relaxed a little and sat closer to him.

"Y-You can touch them." You muttered as you felt him gently run his fingers over one. You tried not to lean into it and purr but no one had ever been this gentle with you. You made a small noise as he smiled softly and gently ran his hand over your ears and hair as you started purring. You jolted away and covered your mouth.

"I-I'm sorry I can't help it." You muttered as he chuckled, you looked at him as you blushed at his smile.

"It's ok, you're safe here." He whispered as you sat closer to him again and he started petting your ears more as you let yourself purr. You rested you head on his shoulder as he smiled, you couldn't help but slowly drift to sleep.

You felt someone gently shake you out of your sleep as you rubbed your eyes and looked up to see Bucky.

"We're at the tower now." He said as you nodded and followed them out of the jet. You stuck close to Bucky as they led you into the tower, you went into the elevator with them as you kept your head down. The doors opened to a living space with more people there as you stood behind Bucky.

"Team we found someone at the Hydra base wreck." Steve said as everyone looked at you. You hid behind Bucky as you held onto his hand.

"It's ok Y/N, no one here will hurt you." He said as you nodded and stepped out.

"Interesting." You heard someone say behind you as you jumped away and hissed.

"Loki, don't scare the poor girl." Nat said as she walked up to you and shook your hand.

"I'm Nat and that man who just scared you is Loki." She said as you nodded.

"Y/N." You muttered as she smiled.

"Bucky can you take Y/N on a tour of the tower while we talk with the team about all of this?" Steve asked as Bucky nodded.

"Yeah of course. Follow me." He said as you smiled a little at the rest of the team and then followed Bucky back into the elevator.

"I was from Hydra as well." Bucky muttered as you looked up at him.

"Winter soldier." He whispered as your eyes widened.

"T-They told me about you." You replied as he smiled a little.

"I understand what it's like in there, you aren't alone anymore." He said as you smiled.

After about an hour you and Bucky went back to the team.

"Y/N, we need to talk." Steve said as you nodded, you were terrified. You sat on the couch where the team was as he stood in front of you and handed you a tablet that had a video on it. It was you, killing people for Hydra. You eyes widened as you threw the tablet across the room and smashed it as you screamed.

"That's not me!" You screamed as you went to attack Steve but Bucky grabbed you and held you.

"Y/N it's ok, calm down we aren't going to hurt you. I know you aren't that person, they made you like that. Please Y/N." He whispered as you calmed down and let him hold you. You let tears fall down your face as he ran his hand through your hair.

"We aren't going to hurt you Y/N, we wanted to make sure it was Hydra that made you do it. Obviously they did, I'm so sorry Y/N." Steve said as you looked at him and nodded.

"I-It's ok." You whispered as he smiled, you hugged Bucky as he smiled and held you.

"We'll keep you safe." 

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