Nat - Care

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Finally you could rest after three weeks of being so busy. You were about to make your way up to your room when you saw Nat going through a heap of case files. You grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to her.

"Nat, you need to rest. The mission is over." You said as she ignored you.

"Nat please." You said as she looked up at you.

"Hmm?" She said as you took the files away from her.

"You need to rest." You said as she snatched the files off her.

"You're off the clock Y/N, in other words leave me alone." She growled as you sighed and left.

It was three days after the mission had ended. You noticed Nat getting thinner, paler and dark under eyes.

"S-Steve?" You muttered as you tapped Steve's shoulder.

"What's up Y/N?" He asked as you nervously played with the hem of your shirt.

"I-I just noticed that Nat isn't really taking care of herself, I want to help but I'm scared Nat will take it the wrong way." You muttered as he nodded.

"I guess we never really pay attention, we all just know Nat as the one who soldiers on and never needs anyone. I'm sure she'd appreciate you checking up on her. Just try." He said as you nodded, you left for Nat's room as you stood outside her door. The door suddenly swung open as it hit you in the face.

"Ouch!" You shouted as she groaned.

"What do you want?" She asked as you fiddled nervously.

"Well?" She said as you stuttered awkwardly.

"I just w-wanted to see how you were, lately you've seemed down and like you're not eating or sleeping. I-I was just worried." You muttered as she stormed passed you and bumped your shoulder roughly.

"Leave me alone." She growled before she disappeared.

2 days later.

You hadn't seen Nat for two days and she finally came down into the main room. You walked up to her and noticed she looked even worse.

"H-Hey Nat." You muttered as she grabbed you and threw you onto the floor.

"I told you to fucking leave me alone!" She shouted as she pinned you to the ground and started hitting you. Steve and Tony quickly grabbed her as you jumped away from her.

"Why can't you just leave me alone Y/N! You're fucking pathetic!" She shouted as you felt a tear in your eye. You ran into the elevator and finally took a breath when the doors closed, you hit the roof button as you ran out and began sobbing. You just wanted to help.

You were asleep when you woke up to a knock at your door. You opened it to see Nat standing there as you looked away from her.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as you looked up at her.

"What?" You muttered as she entered your room and shut the door.

"I'm sorry, for how I've been treating you. I'm not used to someone actually caring about me. So I got scared, I don't know. I didn't know how to deal with care and affection." She whispered as you smiled and took her hand.

"First step, sleep." You said as you pulled her down to your bed.

"N-No I don't want to be a burden." She said as you smiled.

"Lay down Nat." You said as she laid down and looked at you. You laid down next to her as you gently reached out, she flinched a little.

"Trust me." You whispered as she nodded and closed her eyes. You ran your hand through her hair as you started softly singing, within two minutes she was out cold as you smiled and closed your eyes as well.

You woke up 2 hours later, Nat was gone as you sighed. The door opened to see Nat with two plates in her hand.

"I bought breakfast up for you." She said as you smiled, she placed it on your bedside table as she sat down and started eating her breakfast in your bed.

"I'm sorry again Y/N." She whispered as you smiled.

"It's ok Nat, I promise. It's ok to be vulnerable around friends, and let them take care of you." You said as she nodded.

"S-Sometimes I think about being more than friends." She said as you choked on your food.

"W-What!?" You shouted as she smirked at you.

"You take care of me, you care about me and you make me happy. I want you to be more than just my friend." She said as you looked up at her in shock.

"So?" She said as you chuckled.

"Let's do it."

(This sucked, fuck it, fuck everything)

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