Darkness - Steve/Loki

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(A little different this time around)

You think you've felt darkness, oh my parents died it was so much darkness, oh one day I yelled at my sister I'm soooo dark. Pathetic, all humans are rather pathetic actually. Greedy and angry, all they really care about is money and fucking. Oh darling, don't get so upset, you know I'm right. Now dear, I'm someone who truly knows darkness. Oh yes I know I'm a villain, but there's simply no other way for me to go. I was born into a beautiful family, they were pure and full of love. More than any human, in this realm there was no darkness, my childhood was filled with light and love. But light and love is only temporary, it never lasts my dear. My family is was murdered and my home destroyed by someone I trusted. The darkness found her and it was too late. Filled with grief and pain, I looked for the darkness and it consumed me. Ever since then, I've never felt anything else. Don't worry that's a good thing. Anyway enough about me darling, let's get into it shall we?

"Bucky can you just grab the plums and go. We have a meeting with Fury soon." Steve said as you watched him from behind a market stall.

"I have to pick the perfect ones." Bucky muttered, now he was a man who knew darkness. His darkness was amazing. Steve on the other hand, argh so boring, maybe he could use some darkness. You crept over and touched Steve's shoulder, corrupting such a pure soul was so much fun. He gasped as you quickly ran off.

"Steve? Are you ok?" Bucky asked as Steve nodded.

"Y-Yeah I think so." He muttered as Bucky helped him out of the market.

"Let's get back to the tower." He said as Steve nodded.

"Nice to see you two." Fury grumbled as Steve and Bucky sat down, Steve felt like he was going to pass out or be sick.

"Rogers you look like shit, what's going on?" Fury asked as Steve signed.

"Sorry sir, must be coming down with something. I'll be ok." He said as Fury nodded.

"Good." He muttered before starting the meeting.

"Steve you really don't look good, maybe we should take you to a doctor." Tony said as Steve glared at him.

"I'm fine." He growled before storming off.

"JARVIS keep an eye on Rogers, I'm worried about him." Tony said before walking off. Steve was in his room looking at himself in the mirror.

"What's happening to me?" He muttered as he saw a figure appear behind him. He was about to shout before you covered his mouth.

"Shh darling, stop fighting it." You whispered as your hand turned black, you transferred more darkness into him as his eyes turned black.

"W-What are y-you doing?" He muttered as tears streamed down his face.

"I'm making you better." You whispered before you disappeared. He looked at himself in the mirror and shattered it.

"Steve! Are you ok!?" Bucky shouted as he ran into Steve's room.

"I'm fine Bucky, go away." Steve growled as Bucky came closer.

"Steve what's going on? I'm worried about you." Bucky said as Steve grabbed him and pinned him against the wall with force.

"I said go away." He growled as his eyes turned black.

"Steve, let me help you." Bucky whispered before Steve threw him across the room.

"I said go away!" He shouted as Bucky groaned and looked up to Steve, Steve stumbled back as he looked down at his hands.

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