Loki - Servant

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(Asshole Avengers? Idk)

"Let go of me!" You shouted as Ironman held your hands behind your back.

"Stop fucking moving!" He shouted as he threw you roughly into a car and clamped a guard over your mouth.

"Take her back to the tower." He said as the driver nodded and began speeding down the road.
You made it to the tower and Tony was there waiting as he grabbed you out and dragged you into the elevator.

"Didn't think we would catch you huh?" He hissed as you squirmed in his grip.

"You've been terrorising the city for two years now. But look at you now huh, just a pathetic bitch trying to escape." He said as tears started streaming down your face. He dragged you down the halls and threw you into a cell.

"Don't worry dear, we will reform you." He said as he smirked.

3 months later

You quietly snuck out of your small room and headed down the stairs, it was about 2 am.

"Y/N." You heard a voice say as you jumped and turned around and saw Steve glaring at you.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he stood closer to you, towering over your smaller body. You looked away from his eyes as you stuttered.

"J-Just need some fresh air." You muttered as you kept your head down cast.

"Then you won't mind me coming with you." He said as you nodded and continued down stairs. He followed closely behind as you opened the doors to the balcony and stood at the edge.

"Why are you awake?" You asked in a small voice.

"It doesn't concern you." He grumbled as you turned around and continued to look out into the city.

"It's so beautiful." You whispered as you heard Steve mumbled something. It had only been five minutes before Steve grabbed you and dragged you back inside.

"Go back to bed." He grumbled as you nodded and headed back to your room. You went back to sleep.

You woke up at 5 am this time, you always had to wake up at this time to cook breakfast for everyone. You made your way down stairs and began cooking.

Once the large breakfast was ready and before you called everyone down you made a small plate for yourself and hid it in the back of the fridge. The team was going on a mission today and you were over the moon to be able to have some time to yourself.

"JARVIS could you call everyone down for breakfast?" You said as you began placing the breakfast on the table.

"Of course Miss L/N." The A.I said in return as you smiled, if you were honest JARVIS was your favourite. The team all headed down the stairs as you began cleaning up, you saw Tony going to the fridge and prayed he wouldn't see what you had left.

"Y/N." You heard him say as you panicked. You turned around and saw him with the plate in his hand.

"Who's this for hmm?" He said as he looked at you.

"I-I was, i-it's for me." You stuttered out as he scraped it off into the bin and glared at you.

"You see everyone at that table?" He asked as he pointed to everyone, you kept your eyes down cast as you nodded.

"Look at me when I speak to you." He growled as he slapped you than grabbed your face.

"You are nothing like us, actually you are just nothing. So you don't eat your own food, whatever we have left over you can eat. Understood?" He growled as you held back your tears.

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