Frozen - Part 2

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"Asgard? W-We thought Hydra was after you." Steve asked in confusion.

"I g-guess it seemed like that. But I was only on Earth because Asgard couldn't handle my outbreaks only earth can. But Asgard took me back whenever there was a war, so they could use me as a weapon." You explain as they nodded.

"We're so sorry we couldn't save you." Bucky whispered as he hugged you.

"You're so different from back then." Steve said as you chuckled.

"Y-Yeah I finally learnt how to actually speak. I was saved on Asgard, and brought back here when I almost killed everyone." You said as you chuckled awkwardly.

"Do you know Loki and Thor?" Tony asked as your eyes widened.

"Yes! They were who saved me!" You shouted as you smiled.

"Wow small universe." Tony muttered as Steve came over and just looked at you.

"I can't believe you're here." Steve whispered as you smiled and hugged him gently.

"I missed you both." You whispered as Bucky joined in on the hugged.

"Ok as touching as this is, I think we should go. Plus Loki and Thor are at the tower so it'll be another sappy reunion." Tony said as you chuckled and followed them out. You held onto Bucky's hand as you walked out with them.

"W-Wait, what year is it?" You muttered as they chuckled.

"2020." Steve muttered as your eyes widened.

"Wait! I thought humans didn't live that long!" You shouted as Bucky and Steve laughed.

"They don't, it's a long story we would love to tell you eventually. But for now let's get you home." Steve replied as you smiled when he said home.

"You know I'm really glad you guys aren't dead. I would never have woken up." You muttered as Bucky smiled to you.

"It's weird being back, must be weird for you guys. Last time you saw me I was a lot different." You said as Steve chuckled.

"You definitely talk more." He joked as you nudge him and you headed into the jet with them. You sat next to Bucky and leant your head on his shoulder as you gently closed your eyes.

"This is so much to take in. You guys are here Loki and Thor are with you guys." You muttered as Bucky placed his arm around you.

"I really didn't expect to see you today." Bucky said as he smiled.

"What did you mean when you said outbursts?" Tony asked as you sighed.

"Sometimes if my emotions get too much I lose control. The energies on Asgard couldn't handle me so Thor and Loki said I would be safer here and I told them to put me asleep so I couldn't hurt anyone else." You explained as Bucky gently intertwined your hands.

"You're safe now." He muttered.

"So what happens if you have an outbreak on earth?" Tony asked as you looked at him.

"It's nowhere near as bad, I just have to distance myself. It's like my body becomes light and get to close and you'll burn." You mumbled as they all nodded.

"Loki used to teleport me somewhere far away from everyone but the damage got too extensive. Hopefully he can do the same for me here considering I shouldn't damage as much." You said.

"So what exactly is your power?" Steve asked.

"Heat. So I can control fire, I could overheat anything including a person. I could easily kill someone with it. That's why they used me on Asgard, I could kill 1000 men within a second." You said as you closed your eyes.

"What happened if you didn't agree?" Bucky mumbled knowing all too well the face of someone who has been tortured.

"I think it's pretty clear." You muttered as you lifted your shirt to reveal all types of scars over your body.

"I'm sorry doll." Bucky whispered before kissing your forehead.

"Fate sent me back to you guys, I trust that I'm safe now." You said as you smiled a little.

"We'll protect you Y/N." Steve said as you smiled at him.

The jet landed as you came out on top of a tower.

"This is where you live?" You asked as Tony smirked.

"Hell yeah baby." He said as you chuckled.

"Y/N." You heard a voice say as you looked up and saw Loki staring at you. You ran up to him and hugged him as he hugged you back tightly.

"You're here. H-How are you here?" Loki muttered as you looked up at him.

"Steve and Bucky, they saved me." You whispered as you looked back at them.

"You may want to get ready for broken ribs, Thor will be ecstatic to see you." Loki said as he smiled brightly. You had missed them all so much.

"Come on, we'll get you settled in." Bucky said as they led you inside. You walked down to the main room where you saw Thor sitting down, you snuck up behind him and covered his eyes.

"I demand you let me go mortal!" He called out as you chuckled.

"I don't think I'm mortal." You muttered he turned around in shock.

"Y/N!" He shouted as he picked you up and hugged you tightly. You laughed as you hugged him back.

"It's great to see you again Thor." You said as he pulled away and he was crying, you chuckled a little as the rest of the team gathered around.

"So I'm guessing your Y/N?" Clint asked as you chuckled and shook his hand.

"Yes, I'm a friend of Bucky and Steve, also Loki and Thor." You said as the team nodded.

"Why have we never heard of you?" Nat asked suspiciously.

"Ah I was in Asgard for quite sometime and then on ice here on earth. I'm surprised Bucky and Steve still remember me." You said before your eyes widened.

"Peggy! Where's Peggy!?" You shouted as you grabbed Steve, his face fell as you closed your eyes.

"She's gone." Steve whispered as you hugged him.

"I'm so sorry." You muttered as he ran a hand through your hair.

"I missed her a lot." You whispered as Bucky smiled sadly.

"She talked about you a lot." He said as you smiled.

"I'm glad she didn't forget me, I never forgot her." You said.

"I know this is all very touching but I don't trust Y/N yet and I'll have my guard up around her." Nat said as you smiled.

"That's understandable, if there's anything I can do to help don't hesitate to ask." You said as she eyed you.

"Yeah ok." She mumbled before walking off.

"You'll have to excuse her she doesn't trust anyone." Bucky said as you chuckled.

"That's ok, I understand." You replied.

"We'll leave you guys to catch up." Tony said as they left you with Loki, Thor, Bucky and Steve. You smiled as you sat down with them.

"I can't believe you're all here. I always dreamed of this, but I never thought it would be possible." You said as tears came to your eyes. Steve sat beside you and hugged you as you smiled.

"It's good to be home." 

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