Steve - Small

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(Dont fucking judge me, I've seen your internet history. A/B/O verse. So I know y'all who read a lot of fan fics know what abo means. But those who don't know its Alpha/Beta/Omega. So it's like the dynamics of mates and alphas and shit. Yeah that was a terrible description, you got google)

(Might be doing a new one shots book soon btw. I'll let y'all know when I do)

"Alright, our new mission is going to be hard. I know everyone's tired but Fury said this will be the last one for a while." Steve said as everyone gathered around the table and groaned.

"What does that old man want now?" Tony asked as Steve glared at him.

"I know you're all aware of Brock Rumlow, Bucky especially. Rumlow has an omega that he's had for quite some time. They are bonded despite some saying they aren't mates. Her name is Y/N. Here's the hard part, Fury wants us to take her from Hydra and bring her back here." He said as everyone groaned and glared at him.

"Are you joking!? It's a suicide mission!" Clint said as Steve sighed.

"Not to mention taking an omega away from her alpha is morally questionable." Tony chimed in as the rest agreed.

"Well, I wouldn't be to sure. I saw Y/N a few times in Hydra, I don't think she's there by choice. I've never seen her out of chains or without scars and bruises." Bucky added.

"So I guess we'd be doing her a favour getting her away from him." Nat said as the rest thought for a while.

"Well, we don't exactly have a choice. One way or another she's going to be here. Fury wants to question her and use her for information. And we haven't had an omega here for a while so I want everyone to be careful and be on their best behaviour. We don't want to overwhelm her." Steve said as everyone nodded.

"So when do we leave?" Tony asked.

"Now." Steve said as everyone's eyes widened.



You screamed as you woke up from a nightmare. No one would hear it thought, you had a mouth guard over your mouth and underneath that your lips had been sewed shut. It was a punishment for running your mouth in front of Rumlow. You tried to stand but the chain around your neck kept you on the bed. You clawed at it, the metal had dug into your skin, you were afraid your skin was growing around it, you had had the thing on for so long. You whimpered as you closed your eyes and silently cried. This hell never ended.

The door opened as you looked up to see your alpha. You hated him, loathed him with every fibre of your being. But being bonded meant you couldn't hate him, no matter how hard you tried the bond made you love him, want him no matter what. You whined and tried to get closer to him as he chuckled.

"You omega's truly are pathetic." He said as a tear fell from your eye. He finally came closer to you and placed his hand on your cheek as you nuzzled into it. He unlocked the chain that connected you to the bed and roughly tugged on it to make you stand. You cried out in pain as he chuckled and dragged you along. You hit him to try to warn him about how much it was hurting you but he replied by tugging on the metal chain even more. He dragged you into the doctors lab as you laid on the table and let him restrain you. You weren't like the others, in the sense that you weren't fully human. They had found out ages ago that they didn't need to feed you for you to survive. They just created a serum that kept you alive but still always starving. You whimpered and tried to reach out for your alpha, you were in pain and just wanted to be held and told everything would be ok. That's what alpha's were supposed to do for their omegas. But your alpha wasn't like others, he groaned and ran his hand over your face as tears streamed down your cheeks.

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