Avengers - Robot

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(I'm a hoe for robots. Ah ah before you say it, no you are not Connor or kara or 28 freaking stab wounds. I got my eye on you. Btw trigger warning, self harm)

You gasped as you opened your eyes and shot up from your previous laying position.

"Easy there." You heard a voice say as you turned to see a man.

:Tony Stark aka Ironman:

:Heart rate elevated due to excitement:

:No threat indicated:

"T-Tony Stark." You muttered as you looked down at your hands.

"That's right, can you tell me where you are?" He asked.

:Avengers Tower laboratory:

"Avengers Tower." You said as he nodded.

"Very good. Welcome to the world Y/N." He said as you looked at him.

"What am I?" You whispered as he chuckled.

"You're an A.I, I built you myself." He said as you looked down at your hands again.

:Advanced plastic material:

:Bullet proof, fire proof, water proof:

:Extra human strength:

"Y/N." You whispered as you sat on the edge of the bench.

"Just take a moment to process everything around you." He said as you nodded and looked around.



:Glass bottle containing aluminium:

:Hair from Tony Stark:

:Blood from Tony Stark:

:Sweat from Tony Stark:



:James 'Bucky' Barnes Warning High threat risk:

You watched Bucky walked into the room as your arms glazed over to look metal.

:Fight instinct activated:

"Woah, calm down Y/N. He isn't a threat ... right now." Tony said as you skin retracted back over your arms.

"Bucky, this is Y/N. My new A.I." Tony said as Bucky looked at you in shock.

"Wow. Nice job Stark." Bucky said as he looked at you up and down.

"She looks like a real human." He said as Tony smiled triumphantly.

"Anyway, what'd you need racoon." Tony said as Bucky grumbled.

"My arms shorting out again." He said as he held up his stiff metal arm.

"Like a cramp but metal." Bucky muttered as you held onto his metal arm gently.

:Damaged wires in three fingers from over use and strain:

"Some wires within your fingers damaged from overstrain. What were you doing?" You asked as his face went pink.

:Elevated heart rate and pink face indicates a secret:

:Brain waves indicate previous pleasure:

:Conclusion. Wires were damaged by masterbation:

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