Avengers - Vampires

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(Reversish vampire au?)

You woke up in an unfamiliar room as you coughed, your head was heavy. You looked around to see yourself in a modern bedroom, suddenly the door swung open as you crawled away from whoever it was.

"Why are you on the floor doll?" He asked as you looked up at him.

"W-Who are you?" You muttered as he looked at you in concern.

"It's me, Steve. Are you ok Y/N?" He asked as another man came behind him.

"Darling what's wrong?" He asked as you moved more away from them.

"Get the fuck away from me." You growled as you ran past and pushed them out of the way. You tried to keep running but a woman stopped you.

"Calm down." She said as you pushed her away.

"Who the fuck are you people!?" You screamed as you backed away from them.

"Y/N, darling please calm down." One of them said as you looked around. You saw a window and then looked back at the men.

"Y/N, don't you dare." One growled as you ran at full speed at the window. You smashed through it and went plummeting to the ground as things rushed through your brain.

You woke up in a dark room as you cried in pain. Suddenly light flooded through the room as you looked up to see one of the men entering.

"Hello there darling, oh shh it's ok. Don't be afraid." He said as he slowly came forward. He gently picked up your bloodied and bruised body as you shut your eyes as tight as you could.

"We're here to help dear, I'm Tony. What's your name?" He asked as you opened your eyes to look at him.

"Y/N." You muttered as he smiled and brought you out to a group of people.

"Is that the one?" The blonde man asked as Tony nodded.

"Darling this is Steve, Nat, Bruce, Thor and Bucky. We're all going to help you." He said as you looked at them.

"She looks starved Tony, how do you plan on feeding her?" Nat asked as he carried you into a small jet.

"I have my ways Nat." He said as he sat you down.

"W-Who are you people?" You muttered as Tony grinned flashing his sharp teeth.

"We're the Avengers darling." He said as your eyes widened.

"T-The Avengers, a-as in the most powerful vampires in the country?" You muttered as they chuckled.

"That's us doll." Bucky said as you shrank away from them.

"W-What do you want with me?" You muttered as you hugged your knees to your chest.

"Well, we found out there was a special vampire with certain powers that could be very useful to us. Those horrible Hydra men experimented on you and starved you. We'll take much better care of you, in exchange you do as we say." He said as you thought for a minute.

"Y-You'll provide blood and somewhere for me to s-sleep?" You mumbled as he smiled and ran his hand over your cheek.

"And so much more darling." He said as you nodded.

"D-Deal." You muttered as they all smiled at you.


You screamed as the ground came closer and closer. You closed your eyes as you hit the ground with great force. You couldn't breath, it hurt so much. Why did you forget? Why did you jump? You saw Steve above your as blood ran from your mouth.

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