Avengers - Ghost

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Being a part of the bigger picture of everything was lonely. You were kind of a guardian angel in human words. You watched over things, made sure everything that needed to happen, happened. Which meant, no friends, no family and no one to love. It was very lonely. But it was your life and your job, you had to follow the rules.

"Oh, I'm so sorry ma'am. I didn't see you there." A young man said.

"It's quite alright, it was an accident." You said, even though it never was an accident. You looked up and saw Steve Rogers. He held his hand out to you and smiled.

"Let me help you up." He said as he gracefully helped you off the floor.

"Thank you, you're such a gentleman. It should be men like you to fight in the wars." You said before walking off and disappearing into the crowd. And that's all it took, one sentence or even one word and the idea was in the persons head. And fate was on track.

This job wasn't always easy, yes you gave the idea to Steve to join the war therefore becoming Captain America. But you also had to do the hard things. Like ensuring Hydra was in possession of the tesseract. Ensuring Steve's best friend Bucky fell from that train and ended up in Hydra. You worked in Hydra for a bit, your mission was to make sure everything went smoothly with Bucky and everything else Hydra did, so you became a doctor there. Steve was gone by now, not to wake up for another few years where you would again intercept his life and make sure the Avengers would form. But for now you were sitting alone with Bucky, ready to give him yet another needle.

"Get away from me." He growled as you smiled softly.

"Somewhere over the rainbow." You began softly singing as you ran your hand over his cheek. His eyes seemed to soften as he looked at you.

"Skies are blue." You continued to sing as you gently poked the needle into his skin.

"Who are you?" He whispered as you continued to smile and sing to him. You sat beside him and held onto his hand while he listen to you sing, his eyes rolled back into his head as he passed out.

"Thank you Doctor Ray, that will be all." (Ray is a fake name) An agent said as you nodded and left without another word.

The week after would be the last time you saw Bucky for a while. It was your job to prepare him for cryo. You were about to inject a needle but he grabbed your wrist painfully tight, you just smiled softly as he growled at you.

"It's ok, you'll be alright." You whispered as his face softened. Your smooth voice always seemed to calm him down.

"Can you sing to me?" He whispered as you smiled and began singing for him again. He was completely prepared and in the pod as you smiled.

"I'll see you again soldier, goodbye." You whispered before he was gone again. You left Hydra and went onto other missions throughout the world.

Today was a big day. Today was the day you were to lead Tony Stark to become Iron Man, hurting him and getting him kidnapped in the process weren't great but, it was a job. You were in the car driving Tony throughout the rough terrain as you timed the bombing perfectly and directed the car into it. You were thrown out of the car, uninjured because of your immortal body. You saw Tony laying there painfully, you slowly walked up to him and smiled gently.

"It'll be ok." You whispered.

"He's over here!" You alerted the enemy before running off again.

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