MJ Parker Daughter

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(Let's pretend Pietro and Peter ages are way different or whatever)

"Hey Y/N, what's going on you look nervous." Your mother asked as you fidgeting aimlessly.

"W-Well um, I kinda got asking to the dance by a boy." You mumbled as you Dad ran in.

"You what!?" He shouted excitedly as you cringed.

"Chill Peter you'll scare her away from ever speaking to us." MJ said as you chuckled.

"Who's the boy, tell me!" He shouted as you mother pulled him away from you.

"I thought I told you to chill." She scolded him as you laughed.

"I-It's Pietro." You mumbled as MJ's eyes widened.

"That's great! You're basically in love with him!" She shouted as you groaned.

"Ok now you need to chill." Peter said as you went to walk away but they stopped you.

"Come on guys it's not a big deal." You whined.

"It's a huge deal. School dances are very romantic for you teenagers." Peter said as you rolled your eyes.

"Says the guy who went with someone other than Mom even though she was in the same grade as you." You said as Peter chuckled awkwardly.

"Moving on, why don't we go shopping for a dress today?" MJ asked as you smiled and nodded.

"Yeah that'd be really great." You said before your phone began ringing.

"Oh it's Pietro." You muttered as your parents faces lit up.

"It's him, it's him!" They shouted as you shoed them away and answered the phone. You ended up locking yourself in your room so you could talk to him in peace.

"Our little baby, growing up." Peter said as MJ chuckled.

"I'm just glad she didn't get your spider genes." MJ said.

"Hey! She would make a great Spiderman, woman? Spider girl?" Peter muttered as MJ laughed.

"Don't go all Fatherly on Pietro if you see him either, she will kill you if you embarrass her." MJ said as Peter chuckled.

"I could never embarrass her." He said and MJ scoffed.

"I remember Stark said that just before he embarrassed you at a huge press conference." She replied as Peter's face went red and he shut up.

"Y/N you ready to go?" Your mother called out as you came out of your room ready to go dress shopping. You and MJ got into the car and started driving to the mall. (I'm trying to sound American lol, don't know if it's working)

"You nervous about the dance?" MJ asked as you looked out the window.

"M-Mom, I have to tell you something." You muttered as she glanced at you.

"What is it sweetie?" She asked softly.

"P-Pietro has powers too." You muttered as she chuckled.

"Sweetie I know, Tony told us." She said as you breathed as sigh of relief.

"I was scared you wouldn't like him because of it." You muttered as your mother smiled.

"Darling your father has powers why wouldn't I like him because of it." She said as you returned her smile.

"A-And yeah I'm nervous. But excited as well, I like Pietro a lot. He makes me feel wanted and safe, like I belong somewhere." You said as you looked over to see MJ crying.

"Mooooom." You groaned as she chuckled.

"I'm sorry! It's just really nice to hear it, after all we've been through you deserve someone who makes you happy." She said as you blushed and smiled softly.

"Thanks Mom." You whispered as she smiled back at you.

You arrived at the mall and began shopping, every now and then your would secretly text Pietro. Of course your mother caught you cause she saw the all to familiar smile on your lips. After a few hours you finally found a dress, it was ocean blue and simple but elegant. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you couldn't help but think about Pietro's reaction when he would see you.

"You look beautiful Y/N." MJ whispered as you smiled to yourself.

"Thanks Mom, and thank you for everything you've done." You said as you hugged her. You bought the dress and left the mall, you told Pietro you had found as dress but refused to show him just yet.

It was the night of the dance, you were nervous but still excited. You looked at yourself in the mirror with your hair and make up down as you smiled, you heard a sniff and looked behind to see your dad sniffling.

"Seriously dad?" You mumbled as he ran up and hugged you.

"My baby is so beautiful!" He shouted as you chuckled and hugged him.

"Y/N Pietro is here!" You mother called out as you grabbed your dad.

"Don't embarrass me or I'll make sure Grandad embarrasses you worse than the press conference." You warned as he held his hands up in defence.

"Fine fine, I'll be cool." He said as you chuckled. You came out of the room and saw Pietro talking to your Mom, he looked really good in a suit.

"Y/N w-woah, you look beautiful." Pietro said as you blushed, he handed you a bunch of flowers as you smiled.

"T-Thank you." You muttered. He held his arm out to you as you took it and went for the door before your Dad could embarrass you.

"Don't forget a condom!" He shouted as you slammed the door and dragged Pietro away.

"Oh my god Dad!" 

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